Posted by: Smartt



Wanker Wang Posts: I've been banned from adt. I suppose the final straw occurred when I called the moderators there "scary" and akin to a virgin Star Trek convention gathering. My guess is that Evil Angel's Tricia Devereaux played an integral part of my banishment. She prefers to call the porn girls in the business "actresses" and considers the word "whore" derogatory. I prefer to call it as I see it without sugarcoating it in any fashion.

Several months ago, Jeff Mike from JM Productions and I made a bet on who would get banned first from ADT. The whole thing was a joke to both of us. He won and earned the coveted title "BANNED USER". Now I've earned the title "DEACTIVATED USER". Here's how the thread went ...


Jeff Mike: Call me a old fashion romantic but they are all cum gargling fuck pigs who must be degraded to give their lives meaning. Some are "GutterMouths" while others are "Girlverts" but they are all whores. I'm a porn producer, so I mean that in the nicest way. Jeff Steward, JM Productions

Wanker: Jeff, I wholeheartedly agree with you. These girls are all disgusting, worthless cum mops who deserve to get their faces covered in a bucket of jizz. These stupid whores should thank their lucky stars that guys are willing to spare their DNA down their gullets in order to get any sort of nourishment. These vile fuck pigs are here for one reason only. To suck dick and milk cock and gape for our viewing pleasure. The only reason they exist is to drink my urine and to eat my shit. God Bless Porn. WW, Somewhere unemployed and looking for food stamps.

Tricia Devereaux: ... for any porn producer/director out there who believes this, those GIRLS have made you a hell of a lot of money, and if for no other reason than that, you should treat them with respect.

I don't believe in trash talking to get attention. It's low, and it means that your product isn't worthy of attention on it's own. But I don't have to worry about that problem. I spend my time worrying about how to make my product even better, not trying to figure out new ways to degrade girls.

jeff - as you know, I worked for JM quite a few times as a performer. To say that I would be a girl who NEEDS TO BE degraded to give my life meaning is utter bullshit. I did porn for many reasons, including money and enjoyment. To be degraded was NEVER one of them.

I don't believe you or WW really believe the words you say, but it's just sad that you would even spend the energy to say them.

Wanker: I see things as I see them and I relay the things I see. I neither desire your respect, nor do I ask you for your respect. I'm a fucking idiot worthy of very limited quantities of respect if at all.

Let's face it. And it's nothing I don't tell the girls I see on a daily basis. Porn stars are whores. Not in a negative way, but in the finest, most majestic way possible. If these whores were clothed in an astronaut suit playing chess or pondering solutions to the greenhouse effect, would you jack off to the DVD? Absolutely not.

We buy these DVDs to jerk our peckers raw until we splooge a load right onto our belly and clean it off with a baby wipe. We don't buy them to wonder what the whore's opinion on the North Korean crisis is. How can you when the whore has two dicks in her asshole and gurgling cum like it's Listerine?

I respect all women. I respect them even more when my dick crashes into the back of their throats. I respect them to near deity proportions when I pull out of their asses and they suck off a rotting, digested piece of lettuce and chew chew chew. They deserve the highest respect after that. There's nothing more respectful than a whore staying at your house offerring up her pussy in exchange for a midnight trip to Taco Bell. That's not only good whore behavior ... that's the behavior of a bonafide goddess.

Maybe I was wrong when I referred to them as "worthless" whores. The fact they have three holes ready to milk my nut butter until it glazes their eyeballs makes them quite "worthwhile".

Somewhere acting like a troll

Tricia Devereaux: I do think I'm a lady. A model for teenage girls. In my private life, absolutely. If their parents are doing THEIR job, then the girls will turn out just fine.

"Well if women like you can't be called whores, then who deserves that title?"
In my eyes, certainly not someone who doesn't like THAT word.

If you're such a big fan of my movies, you have probably noticed that ALMOST NEVER did anyone call me a whore or slut or especially cunt in a scene. That is because I can't stand those WORDS. Not the acts. The words bother me because most of society means them in the most derogatory way possible.
The few times that the scene called for it, I either made the decision to not do the scene, or I talked with the director and was paid more for it.

Again, you say you've enjoyed my movies SO much. I have no problems with someone telling me they loved seeing me suck cock or take a DP, or whatever. But I've stated several times that I simply don't like words that have come to mean demeaning things in today's society. I simply ask that you respect all that I have done for all the world to see, and respect my wishes for people to not call me names.
You want to do it with your friends, fine. But I consider the people at ADT, the TRUE regulars, MY friends. And my friends don't call me a whore.

It's too bad that a place I usually enjoy going to is being turned into some fucked up place for people to troll around and do their best to cause arguments

Jeff Mike: As I explained before,when I call someone a whore, I mean it as a complement. I like good whores, in fact im married to a great fucking whore. I would have it no other way. Sorry Steph if im to politically incorrect for you, but hey, im a public nuisance. IM A PORNAGPHER! So get off your high horse and go fuck yourself you self righteous tight ass because I make the porn you watch. If my opinions and comments are not welcome here,then kick me off your site. In fact, why not kick all of us evil smut peddlers off. As for Tricia, maybe one day JM Productions will be "COOL" enough to not "trash talk" to get attention. It would be great if everyone was as "hip" as Evil Angel. Whatever!!!

*** Jeff Mike was extinguished after this post and then made a pitiful attempt to come in as "Mike Jeff" ***

Wanker: Mike Jeff is a good friend of mine but he's also one dumb asshole. The sinister level to which he attempted to weasel his way back onto the boards makes me rue the state of humanity. That being said ...

I believe it's a complete disservice to this board when a major porn producer like Mike Jeff is banned because of alleged improprieties of political correctness. We're talking about a guy who got nailed with 20 cops around his house by Vice. Refused to cop a plea to obscenity. Backed up his words (and money) with actions. And finally (and proudly) copped to a misdeameanor for being a 'public nuisance).

We're not talking some idiot like Bryan Sullivan or that whole clan of jibberish spewing morons.

ADT should be a forum by which all opinions, legit or illegit depending on perceptions, can be shared, thought out, debated, and reconstructed. The mere fact a smut peddler like Mike Jeff cannot be allowed to voice his opinions is a travesty.

Now on to the original topic. Here's what a whore is and its relation to the adult business.

A whore is any girl who fucks for money.

I would say 90% of the girls in the industry hate what they do and fuck only for money.

I would also say that 99% of the girls in the industry hate getting assfucked but do it only for the money.

I would also say that 99% of the girls in the industry have serious issues such as but not limited to previous bouts with rape, incest, molestation, drug abuse, pimp boyfriends, etc.

Most have an IQ of room temperature. Most do not have automobiles. Most do not have bank accounts. Most do not and cannot acquire a credit card. Most squander all their porn earnings almost immediately. Most will end up penniless and return to the business because their job skills relegate them to a lifelong search for a drug dealing sugardaddy or public assistance. Most have complete lack of self-esteem. These are societal problems and cannot be blamed on an adult industry which neither cares or should care.

The fact that I could call a new porn girl a 'fucking whore' and, when I explain myself, they shower me with hugs as I tell them that they should suck as much dick as possible to get ahead tells you alot. Yes, I coach these girls too on how to be the best whore they can be. It's more of a longetivity and monetary issue as opposed to a derogatory one.

Here's an interesting story. I usually have whores running rampant around my abode. When a friend asks me how he can get blown by these whores, I tell them to go up next to them and pull out their peckers. It's the easiest way. Why? These girls are conditioned to suck dick. When there's a dick in front of them, they look like a deer caught in the headlights and don't know what to do. It's instinct for them to suck it until it coats the back of their throats with nut butter.

Now tell me this. Do you think the girls in the industry love what they do? Nearly every scene ends in a facial. Can you really fathom how truly degrading this act really is? Can you really fathom how truly degrading it is to suck off 5 complete strangers and gulp down their ball snot and have to pretend they loved every minute of it? Can you really fathom how truly degrading it is to suck on a dick that's been pulled out of your own asshole which smells like complete shit? They do it for the money and that's what makes them whores.


I think alot of you forget after watching so many DVDs exactly what the reality is. You fall into a trap of fantasy land thinking these girls love what they do. If there was no paycheck involved, the female talent pool would drop to nothing. They don't do it for the sheer love of it. They get drilled in the asshole, they take a mugfull of cum, they fuck complete strangers, because of one reason only. THEY ARE WHORES.

Get out of fantasyland and really think about it. WW

Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/12/03 05:30 AM

Posted by: Dinand

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/12/03 06:26 AM

i'm sure that fucking dion is behind this. he doesn't want anyone promoting anabolic on adt because it should all be red light district bullshit.

kill adt and rld
Posted by: BigPornFan

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/12/03 11:05 AM

Good . Soon the only posters left will be Steph , Drew , Dion and Plum . Those blue eyed white devils will soon cleanse the site of all free thought .
Posted by: Rose Calhoon

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/12/03 11:12 AM

Who will be next on the banned list? Maybe we can set up a poll and a betting pool?
Posted by: Dinand

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/13/03 06:50 AM

it's simple, anyone how goes against rld will be banned. kiss dion's ass there and you will be fine
Posted by: Dion

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/14/03 04:14 AM

As usual,not taking responsibility for your own actions,always looking to blame someone else, for your fucking information I don't even know the owners of adt, I think I met them once in Las Vegas Last Year, I happen to enjoy going to adt, I think it's a pretty kool site, and for all you wining little Bitches, stop your fucking crying and comeout from behind your computer,as for Anabolic,I could give a fuck what Chris thinks of me, and anyone else who has a problem with me step up to the plate and deal with it, put that in your pipe and smoke it "Holmes"

Dion Giarrusso
Red Light District
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/14/03 06:08 AM

Hey Dion,what's up?Glad to see you on here.

Anyway are you trying to say that me and Wanker are a couple of jerkoffs that should have been banned for ADT?Read the thread that got me booted dude.What the fuck did I do?So I told Steph to go fuck herself.So I told Trica she is a dumb cunt......So what.Thats just me....That's my style.You know me,sure I'm a asshole,but at least I say what I feel.
Posted by: Dinand

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/14/03 07:02 AM

jm productions and anabolic were a threat for rld on adt and that's why jeff and wanker have been banned.
jon dough and mike stephano have said the same insulting things on adt against fans yet they're not banned. that says enough.
Posted by: Dion

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/14/03 03:23 PM

First off Jeff, I don't know you to be a asshole, you have always' been polite to me,I have a Cool relationship with wanker, maybe he could refer to the Woman of our business a little better, but outside that, I find him to be pretty Cool, without the Woman, there wouldn't be any of us, no my reply was to the Jerkoffs that think I have some kind of special deal with adultdvdtalk, outside of having them on my screener list, I have no other repoor with them, I don't see JM Productions or Anabolic to be a Threat to Red light District, I wish well to everyone, this site is good, I hope I can come often and be a positive voice to this site,Jeff nice wheels on your car.

Thanks Dion
Red Light District
Posted by: whtzahor4

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/15/03 05:47 AM

Dion- you Didn't answer Jeff's question, do you think he (or Wanker) deserved to be banned from ADT?

What would you like the women in this industry to be called? Talent? Stars? That will not only inflate the already large egos of these girls but gives them credit for something they don't have. So if you can come up with a more fitting word then whore let us know.
Posted by: Dion

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/15/03 07:16 AM

No, I don't think Jeff or Wanker should be banned from ADT,First Amendment rights, last time I looked,we still have freedom of speech in this country,about referring to the Girls, Come on Guys, I have a series called CumDumpsters,CumSwapping Sluts,Someone's Daughter,Breakin em in,First class Euro Sluts,No Cum Dodging Allowed,Fill her up,Swallow my pride,ThroatGaggers,and CumDrippers, guys I'm on the same page as you, I just don't think we should go out of way to refer to the wonderful "Whores" of our business, as anything else than the sweet little Church going Girls they are, have a Beautiful weekend, somewhere trying to make Throatgaggers series as good as Gag factor, my guys have allot of qwork ahead of them.

Thanks Dion
Red Light District
Posted by: Smartt

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/15/03 10:31 AM


No, I don't think Jeff or Wanker should be banned from ADT,First Amendment rights, last time I looked,we still have freedom of speech in this country,

Ah. So you DO agree that Steph is a nazi whore, right?

And you also agree that ADT violates a lot of constituional rights and is, in short, an anti-american forum, right?
Posted by: Vukmir Vukmir

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/15/03 10:26 PM

Oh Jesus, Smartt, get a fuckin' life, will ya?
If ADT did not exist and did not ban you, you would create it and have it ban you so you could have somehting to rant about. Y'know, let a thousand flowers bloom, already! You think anyone connected with ADt gives a rat's ass what you think? Why waste your energy going on and on about them? XXXPT has it's own wild and crazy shit going on and that's great! You're the fucking king of this joint. And you can never be banned. So make hay, Daddy-O! But you really do bore me sometimes.
Posted by: Sir Noel Plum

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/16/03 12:10 AM

Right at the top of the thread there is this line which is purportedly by Wanker Wang:

Several months ago, Jeff Mike from JM Productions and I made a bet on who would get banned first from ADT.

Okay so, if this is correct, they both set out on a little game of getting banned from ADT: no problem with that. What I can't understand is why anyone would, having deliberately set out to be banned, start whining and whinging about it. Is this not like a tramp who attempts to get arrested in order to get a warm cell for the night then bemoaning the harshness of the police for locking him up?

Jeff and WW, you set out to get banned and you succeeded (Jeff was so successful at it, if he was an athlete they'd be suspecting performance enhancing drugs), if you hadn't been you would have presumably pushed harder and harder until you were so why the long faces?????

Posted by: Giovanni

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/16/03 12:54 AM

Plum you are a proven ADT ass kisser.
Posted by: Smartt

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/16/03 06:21 AM

Looks like there are TWO ADT asskissers on this board.

They need to be... terminated.
Posted by: Sir Noel Plum

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/16/03 09:16 AM

Does it really matter if I am? Does it really make my question any less relevant?

Calling me an asskisser, apart from being somewhat unfounded, is totally irrelevant to the comments I have just made; it certainly doesn't count as a coherent answer, does it?

One last point Smartt, I find it hard to accept being called an ADT asskisser from one of that boards all time top posters. As hypocrisy goes you've just about cornered the market my son!
Posted by: Smartt

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/16/03 10:02 AM

Neener neener neener...
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/20/03 06:50 AM


Several months ago, Jeff Mike from JM Productions and I made a bet on who would get banned first from ADT.

Well that's not exactly what went down.Me,Wanker and Jules Jordan where talking about ADT and I told them how I had received several e-mails from someone there warning me about my posts.(Don't cuss,don't call sluts whores,try to be more pc,wha,wha,wha)and I told them that those Nazi fucks would probably kick me off before weeks end.They disagreed and told me that it would never happen,if fact Wanker bragged about how he was always talking mad shit and had never even been warned about it.Couple of days pass and I get the boot.I did not try to get kicked off,I was just being myself.When I look back on it,im sure I was ejected because of the comments I made to Tricia.Looks to me like see is the puppet master over there.Flame her and its all over for you.
Posted by: Dinand

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/20/03 07:34 AM


Flame her and its all over for you

it's actually flame dion and his sub par directors and you're banned from there!
Posted by: Pornstar2pac

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 01/18/04 09:12 PM



Several months ago, Jeff Mike from JM Productions and I made a bet on who would get banned first from ADT.

Well that's not exactly what went down.Me,Wanker and Jules Jordan where talking about ADT and I told them how I had received several e-mails from someone there warning me about my posts.(Don't cuss,don't call sluts whores,try to be more pc,wha,wha,wha)and I told them that those Nazi fucks would probably kick me off before weeks end.They disagreed and told me that it would never happen,if fact Wanker bragged about how he was always talking mad shit and had never even been warned about it.Couple of days pass and I get the boot.I did not try to get kicked off,I was just being myself.When I look back on it,im sure I was ejected because of the comments I made to Tricia.Looks to me like see is the puppet master over there.Flame her and its all over for you.

You tell em Jeff. Fuck ADT
Posted by: M Lyons

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 01/19/04 12:42 AM

I like Wankus, butt unfortunately he does not cum on these boards very often.
M Lyons.
Posted by: Smartt

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 01:29 PM

WTF, bump and go.
Posted by: melissa

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 02:27 PM

I don t understand what s the big deal with the word "whore".

By definition, a whore is a girl that fucks for money.

That s what we do in porn, no need to call us actresses. I ve never seen anyone acting good in porn.

Come on, lets call a horse a horse.
And a whore a whore.

I m one. And every girl should be proud of being a whore.

Posted by: Smartt

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 02:33 PM

"A whore is a whore, of course, of course
And no one can talk to a whore, of course..."
Posted by: melissa

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 02:36 PM


"A whore is a whore, of course, of course
And no one can talk to a whore, of course..."

Sorry i forgot to put my humour and english understanding on today...
what does that mean?
Posted by: Smartt

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 02:42 PM

It´ a parody of the "Mr. Ed" theme song.
Posted by: Vukmir Vukmir

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 02:45 PM

Ha ha

Melissa, the song is a take off on the theme song from an old American TV show about a talking horse called "The Amazing Mr. Ed."

Mr. Ed!

Ooops, pop ups! Sorry.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 03:08 PM

This should be the quote of the day, although it is a year old:

I respect all women. I respect them even more when my dick crashes into the back of their throats. I respect them to near deity proportions when I pull out of their asses and they suck off a rotting, digested piece of lettuce and chew chew chew. They deserve the highest respect after that. - WW
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 06:04 PM


Come on, lets call a horse a horse.
And a whore a whore.

This should be the quote of the day because its 100% true.
Posted by: Chino Cochino

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 08:07 PM

This is another sad day at ADT.

Wanker Wang being banned.

I loved that he answered almost every question fans asked and did it in a candid, holding nothing back manner.

Wanker Wang rocks.
Posted by: TONY T anabolic

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 09:35 PM

just a quick note

wanker wank or any one can talk for anabolic. He works for diabolic and he will only talk for them if he is allowed
(and I don;t think so) and all the expirations that he uses to wards the females talent is just reflect his own personal opinion not any one else at ANABOLIC
Posted by: JRV

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 08/31/04 09:54 PM

Keep in mind this thread is over a year old.
Posted by: wankerwang

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 09/01/04 01:06 AM

just a quick note, the post between me and jeff mike was written before my alter ego "Chico" last year. Also keep in mind, "Chico" has two lines at Anabolic and anything officially coming from Anabolic will be written on their official website most likely from Chris Alexander or "Chico" and most likely will be legible with limited spelling and grammatical errors because this would be the professional way to approach an official statement.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 09/01/04 01:17 AM

that guy needs to be put in a place to make as many official statements as possible. that was the least-boring official statement ever. what he's doing with PR is radical, but people weren't ready for "ulysses" either. i demand more asap.
Posted by: It Was Fun

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 09/01/04 11:42 AM

Enough of the multiple identities/personalities!!! Stick to one person, don't be afraid of revealing the true self!
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 09/01/04 11:45 AM

yah... even i have dropped my other personality for most purposes....
Posted by: jamesn

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 10/17/05 08:05 PM

dion eats dead people. and he's mob.
Posted by: Willie D

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 10/17/05 08:55 PM


I don t understand what s the big deal with the word "whore".

By definition, a whore is a girl that fucks for money.

That s what we do in porn, no need to call us actresses. I ve never seen anyone acting good in porn.

Come on, lets call a horse a horse.
And a whore a whore.

I m one. And every girl should be proud of being a whore.

Melissa Lauren, the good little whore!
Posted by: Ivor Biggun

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 10/18/05 05:12 AM



I don t understand what s the big deal with the word "whore".

By definition, a whore is a girl that fucks for money.

That s what we do in porn, no need to call us actresses. I ve never seen anyone acting good in porn.

Come on, lets call a horse a horse.
And a whore a whore.

I m one. And every girl should be proud of being a whore.

Melissa Lauren, the good little whore!

Well spotted. She made sense back then. What went wrong?
Posted by: Smartt

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 10/18/05 08:33 AM


Tricia Devereaux: I do think I'm a lady. A model for teenage girls. In my private life, absolutely. If their parents are doing THEIR job, then the girls will turn out just fine.

I pity their baby. Actually I don´t give a shit about their baby, but hey...
Posted by: Steph

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 10/18/05 03:56 PM

Wanker had it coming. Anyone who thinks differently from myself had better keep their heads down and their mouths shut.
Posted by: Coyote

Re: WANKER WANK BANNED FROM ADT! - 09/12/10 12:31 PM


Wanker had it coming. Anyone who thinks differently from myself had better keep their heads down and their mouths shut.

Face down, ass up?