Grand Jury Indicts Porn Director Lizzie Borden

Posted by: Mantrid

Grand Jury Indicts Porn Director Lizzie Borden - 08/07/03 01:20 PM

Grand Jury Indicts Porn Director Lizzie Borden

PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - California porn director Lizzie Borden and her husband face a federal indictment for the sale of obscene films including the slasher-porn movie "Forced Entry," U.S. authorities said on Thursday.

Borden, 26, and her husband Rob Black, 29, both of Northridge, California, were named in a 10-count indictment along with their company, Extreme Associates Inc. They are due to appear in U.S. District Court in Pittsburgh for an Aug. 27 arraignment hearing.

Borden and Black, also known as Janet Romano and Robert Zicari, are accused of using the U.S. Postal Service and the Internet to distribute obscene videotapes and DVDs including "Cocktails 2" and "Extreme Teen #24" across the United States.

Some recipients were based in western Pennsylvania, the venue for the federal grand jury that indicted the pair, authorities said.

"Forced Entry," which authorities said depicts the rapes and murders of several women, was the subject of media coverage by and the PBS documentary program "Frontline" last year after its release.

Authorities said the couple's indictment was part of a new Justice Department crackdown against obscenity, which is not protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Other significant obscenity prosecutions were expected in the coming months, authorities said.

Borden and Black face a maximum penalty of 50 years in prison and a $2.5 million fine, while their company faces up to 50 years of probation and a $5 million fine, authorities said.

The couple was not immediately available for comment after authorities announced the indictment in Pittsburgh.

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Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: Grand Jury Indicts Porn Director Lizzie Borden - 08/07/03 07:54 PM

Too bad that Rob Black has lost interest in his XPW wrestling company(XPW commentator Kris Kloss is hysterically weeping in a lonely alley,now that he's out of a job!!!),for if he would have more porperly managed that place,ot would have helped save his sorry ass(and Lizzy's) out from this massive mess.
And,if he does gets locked up behind bars,Rob have better have his old buddy N.C.(his talking black Santa Claus doll from XPW)in his arms,because that'll be the only homie he'll have left hanging on his shoulders(for social comfort,now that everybody,including Toms Zupko and Byron,and even Kevin Kleinrock,has officially abandoned him to drown in the mess that he and Lizzy have created for themselves to be deeply engulfed in ).
Posted by: Mantrid

Re: Grand Jury Indicts Porn Director Lizzie Borden - 08/07/03 08:46 PM


Extreme Associates, a relatively small player in triple X-rated entertainment, has garnered both financial success and public attention in the last several years for its line of hyper-aggressive adult films.

The privately held company employs 15 people and has annual sales of $20 million to $49.9 million, according to the U.S. Business Directory.

Extreme's offices were searched in April under a federal search warrant. The unsealed warrant shows that federal and postal investigators seized copies of five different movies as well as sales records, distribution invoices and an array of other business documents.

On the company's Web site, which Thursday featured an American flag waving in the breeze, Zicari posted a statement that said no one had been arrested and that the company remained in business. He vowed to fight the government and wrote, "I definitely will not sit here and cry a bunch of tears."
Link to article

How is that possible? $20 million?? I thought they were broke, bouncing checks and crap.
Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: Grand Jury Indicts Porn Director Lizzie Borden - 08/08/03 10:53 PM

That's what I also heavily wondered about,after reading that report earlier,since Extreme has a strong history of bouncing more checks than femme cleavage(LOL!!!).
No matter what,I'm holding a candle high for Rob and Lizzie,hoping that they make it out of this mess okay and fully intact,since it'll be quite lonely in the industry without this cheeseball carnival barker(that being Messuir Black)if he does get found guilty(which I hope he doesn't,in his case and Lizzie's).