Brandon continues to ignore me!

Posted by: Jake Malone's Ghost

Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/06/15 04:04 PM

I thought he was my friend! Then during our last supper he said I would have to earn my meal "the hard way" as he fixed me with his worst Lee Harvey Oswald stare...

Would anyone like to know about his role in my death?

Does anyone care!

He told me about that fresh polack girl who became his baby mama, and his fight against the man and their bourgeois rules against human sex trafficking.

I will tell what I know!
Posted by: Jake Malone's Ghost

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/07/15 08:25 AM

One of my female relations came to pick up my remains after I became fishfood. Brandon tried to give her herpes. ;(
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/07/15 01:58 PM

Posted by: Jake Malone's Ghost

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/07/15 02:23 PM

Oh faceblaster, I'd cry if I wasn't already dead. ;(
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/07/15 05:11 PM

I disagree. Best troll since Terry Schiavo. can one of the mods figure out what happened to that ID? Please? laugh
Posted by: Jake Malone's Ghost

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/07/15 05:39 PM

Thank you Willie. When I knew him Brandon used to talk for hours about how he wanted to be like Lee Harvey Oswald. What? I said, you want to always be poor and underemployed, slap your Slavic girlfriend silly, and abandon your baby girl?

He would never answer, but just sneer at me.
Posted by: Jake Malone's Ghost

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/08/15 06:44 AM

Brandon said: "She's not a polack"

I replied: "She is a polack, who else would marry you, thinking a Canadian could get them a green card?"

Brandon Sneered: "Gaelic doesn't have a word for herpes, that's why I chose her."
Posted by: Jake Malone's Ghost

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/08/15 10:14 AM


My final moments alive with the "Iron Man".

I was addicted to cocaine, penniless, and trapped in porn valley. Life truly sucked.

Then there I was at the Gerald Desmond Bridge,in Long Beach, and something inside me said "let's go for a climb".

I started up the girders. Below me (Blow me, NLP) a cop car pulled up, and a bored looking officer stepped out. He was over 300 pounds and held four donuts in his right hand.

"Either climb down or jump off, I don't give a fuck" he yelled up to me.

Then there was Brandon, my friend, he had offered to help, and had slipped through the police line.

"You still owe me for that lunch" he said in a montone voice which would do Lee Harvey proud.

"I though you were here to help" I sobbed, as a remaining crack cocaine flake rolled out my nose.

"Did you watch "The Crying Game" and hear the story about the scorpion and the frog, the I-man said.

"What do you want?" I said in terror

"Since you're going to die anyway, I figured I'd give you the herp, I've only spread it a couple times this week, and it's telling me it needs more hosts. It's a powerful being, and it's wishes cannot be ignored. Izzy Ice couldn't handle it, so she had to go, an unmarked grave in Scotland. Dumb ho, can you believe she fake married me for a fake green card? The Iron man has now seen everything".

I turned to look below. A football feet away, bobbing in the whitecaps under the bridge, men on a fireboat was already unrolling the black bag. Something told me they had been to this rodeo before.

AUGHHH! there it was, a stab in my neather regions, just when I had turned my back. I felt one of his pustuals break.

Ten stories down, I could hear the officer scream as the herp fragments invaded his eyes, maybe he could tell his girlfriend it was pink eye.

I was tettering, Brandon had not even given me a reach around, then I was falling with no pants, I last remember hitting the water and then darkness. . . . Brandon did try to go through my pants pockets though whether he was looking for spare change or trophies from his latest kill, is something I will never know.

The iron man will claim he was out of the country, at the time and this never happened, but when has Brandon ever told the truth about anything related to his own immigration status.


There I was at the funeral home, in a box, I had made an ash out of myself.

"I just want to be alone with the ashes, for the moment," the smooth talking Canadian said to the bored attendant. "let me be with my friend for the last time".

As soon as the door was closed Brandon whipped it out and begain to American Pie my ashes. "I'll make sure you get herpes if it's the last thing you ever do." he screamed like Lee Harvey slapping his wife.

It's like the preditory microscopic yeasty beastie that had infected Hillary Scott's VJ had also hollowed him out making him a shadow of a man, and only a semi voluntary carrier of his ebola like plague.

Posted by: Jerkules

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 02:05 PM

Dear members of XPT

We are now banning Jake Malone's ghost, an obvious attack troll, obviously created to insult and demean one of our boards more valuable members, Mr. Brandon Iron.

To state the obvious.

There is no, or little evidence that Mr. Irons engages in the following acts for which he has been accused.

check kiting
participation in sexual trafficking across international lines
child neglect
Impregnating Euro-sluts dumb enough to believe that he can get them a green card.
hairclub for men
herp club for men
midget club for dwarfs
exploitation (sexual and otherwise) of coke addicted mope talent
forced sodomy
assisted suicide
evasion of custom and immigration authorities
avoidance of child support obligations
making Izzy Ice "disappear"
Having sex with Izzy Ice in the first place
Trading the herp with Hillary Scott
grave robbery
being best buds with Donkey Long

These canards all hurt the feelings of Mr. Iron, a true industry professional and caring individual. Upon his request we will give him some facial tissues and remove any posts of said ghost which hurt his feelings.

The staff
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 02:10 PM

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 05:02 PM

^Then why didn't ye say so before he was banned, eh?
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 05:36 PM

He's a whiny little cunt. Fuck him.
Posted by: christianxxx

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 05:45 PM

can I argue about the veracity of the last item Jerkules?
Posted by: Smokezilla

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 06:32 PM

In fairness, no chance BI knows what veracity means
Posted by: adv0cad0

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 07:46 PM

BI signed Don'twipe's "Christian is a faggot" poster and Christian's still butthurt about it.

And holy SHIT is this account not funny. Horrible once he started his own post. Mods, you should have treated this guy like a PWL douchebag and cut him off at the knees promptly.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 08:56 PM

Originally Posted By: christianxxx
can I argue about the veracity of the last item Jerkules?

I'm not Googling "veracity", but sure, it is XPT, you are free to argue about what you want. Just keep it contained to one thread, please.
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 09:54 PM

Am I allowed to post that Hillary told both Burg and I that Brenda was a half-wit that sHE wished she had neveR crossed Paths with...for obvious rEaSons? laugh
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/10/15 10:10 PM

Eh, whores get STDs. Cost of doin biddness.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: Brandon continues to ignore me! - 05/11/15 09:29 AM

Mr. Temptation meet Mr. Fate.