Where is Porno These Days?

Posted by: Willie D

Where is Porno These Days? - 10/24/13 11:09 PM

Apologies. I originally posted this in the "Pornarium" thread, but that is left to better devices...

IMO, porn writing/reporting was much better about eight years ago. Gene was still reliable with news (or his "Grand Vizier" source), you had Luke Ford and his Camera of Death and his blunt questions. You had retards like Scott Fayner who were cokeheads but were nonetheless willing to shoot straight. AVN actually wrote stories (slanted though they were), and the whores were doing what whores do...going wherever to get attention.

You also had people on this website actually looking at what these skanks were saying, and calling them on the carpet. Like when Fatja Kassin came in and decried whores who hook...except that she was doing the same thing. When Christian got outed for doing tranny films by ElG. Arab's analysis of JKP and Bob Friedlander that led to the company's demise.

Two things have ruined the way porn is described: (i) Twitter. A whore is not allowed to have any expansive impressions on like she/he would in a Luke Ford or Khan Tusion Meatholes interview. They just post random shit that falls out of their incompetent brains, which just so happen to not be able to keep a single thought for < 140 characters. (ii) webcasts. I have listened to a Rob Black show for about 5 minutes, and I just wanted to stick a sharp knife in my ears. He might be saying true things, but the convict is utterly abrasive, uneducated, and probably does not know how to accomplish this agenda he seems to have.

Porno used to be kept close to the vest by its producer and performers. When something happened...and it leaked out...it was a big deal. But porno idiots wanted to be "mainstream." They wanted to walk down the red carpet at Graumann's Chinese Theater, not the mauve carpet at the Sands Expo Center.

And they got their wish. Porno is everywhere. Sheen is knocking up whores, Sizemore molested Jersey Jaxin, fuckin' Keifer was plowing Flick Shagwell. And what they got is exactly what I assumed--all the toilets in porno are getting cleaned by people with better business sense than these dupes ever had. Or they have been so brazen that people who don't want them around and are trying to shut them down. Gone are the gentle days of Margold and Kat Sunlove and a few other whores hoofing around Sacramento to massage the egos of the state assembly. Gone are the "Cambria Rules."

It's all a big cluster fuck, and it's their own fault. Don't blame Rob Black, he just needs some cash to buy shampoo. Don't blame Gene for selling out, he got tired of the swindle. Blame it on an "industry" where douchebags like Reg Senter and Stoney Curtis can make money for decades, and then get tossed on their asses because someone came in with some business sense and kicked these shitbags out.

I know...too many words. Rant over.
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 04:18 PM

Originally Posted By: PulpeD

The Cambria rules were introduced by "feature porn" companies, as far as I'm aware and are a means for better marketability through cable, VOD and so on, driven by the goal to make those companies more money, not to make porn more acceptable in society. That market expansion theme with porn that isn't as rough as the gonzo-only crew's used to only works with established players who have existing business relationships with companies looking for some "spicy" opportunities which made both parties money in the past, not with fuck-that-whore-until-she-bleeds-out-of-two-holes ventures planning on a much lower scale. The smaller producers probably knew that it wasn't going to happen for them in the bigger leagues and didn't bother to try taming themselves down unnecessarily.

Dead wrong.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 06:19 PM

I don't think Twitter is really to blame. There is some gold on Twitter. Tanner's meltdowns, Kacey Jordan's suicide attempts, Lisa Ann's take down of Playboy Radio thanks to Mr Macus, etc.

Possibly it is the lack of shit heel producers willing to put up with fuck ups they can get over on that is making the industry boring. You get a sleaze bag like Rob Black, he can't even make videos anymore because there ain't enough drug addled messes willing to get jerked around on their pay.
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 06:52 PM

Gonzo producers were observant of the Cambria list just as much as vanilla porn companies. It had nothing to do with distribution to media outlets; it had to do with avoiding prosecution by the feds. Just ask Max, Rob Black, Stagliano, etc. That's why they all shot different versions of scenes for different markets. Ever watch a porn on SpanktraVision in a hotel? It's just the same movie edited down to a tamer version. Same with US dvd releases, just edit out the pissing and incest talk and save that stuff for Int'l releases.
Posted by: drained

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 06:57 PM

Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 06:58 PM

Very mature response there, Sport.
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 07:01 PM

Jeez, Pip. Have a problem accepting when you are mistaken much? Grow the fuck up, you child.
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 07:11 PM

At least you don't need a decoder ring just to read my posts. Being clever and deperately trying to be clever are two very different things. Keep swinging, putz. You may land something one day.
Posted by: drained

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 10:03 PM

Posted by: Willie D

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 10:21 PM

I didn't really intend for this to be a debate about the long long Cambria Rules. It's just my point that most of the "porn reporters" are about as vanilla as a popsicle, and if someone from a big name tells them to tamp it down, they want to protect their asses.

Who's been and gone in the porno news business:

AVN: about as useless as the Pope's balls. Industry shill for years. Remember when Peter Warren got hired there, and XPT shit down his illiterate throat? All he did was prove how stupid he is/was.

XBIX: Know little about them, and care less. They are press releases and not much else...see Terri Reador and The Floating World.

Ponante: see above

Hunter: see above above

All the folks who knew the shit about smut are gone...Luke, Jimmy DiGiorgio, does Tom Byron ever post on FYI, or has that become another Rob Black vehicle? Houston Don?

Cindy Loftus: long gone

Negro Tara: probably still in the morgue waiting to be identified. She was shitty, but always got drunk and threw drinks at Luke. If only he could have bottled those and fed them to Holly Randall.

Fuck it...maybe I'm just pining for a more fun time, when someone gave a shit about the hilarity of the porno business. Or perhaps it's not the same business any more...dunno.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/25/13 10:50 PM

Originally Posted By: Willie D
I didn't really intend for this to be a debate about the long long Cambria Rules.

no shit... but since someone decided to make it that this is for reference.

Originally Posted By: Willie D
Fuck it...maybe I'm just pining for a more fun time, when someone gave a shit about the hilarity of the porno business. Or perhaps it's not the same business any more...dunno.

well said boss. i do enjoy the porn magnates(gram)style because he gets some subtle between the lines shots in when he wants to but for the most part it's a make your own fun type deal now.
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/26/13 01:01 AM

pussy deleted his entire thread? Child.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/26/13 05:56 AM

Originally Posted By: LouCypher
i do enjoy the porn magnates(gram)style because he gets some subtle between the lines shots in when he wants to but for the most part it's a make your own fun type deal now.

I find Gram to be an insufferable bore who consistently tries and fails to imitate much better talent that's long since departed from this scene. Hell, he couldn't even handle Skurt Lackwood properly.

Originally Posted By: faceblaster
pussy deleted his entire thread? Child.

Huh? Whom?

Edit: Never mind. The missing blather from the shoutbox 'splains it all.
Posted by: drained

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/26/13 07:49 AM

Posted by: Jerkules

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/26/13 09:36 AM

What thread got deleted?
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/26/13 10:49 AM

pippy longsentence posted some childish retorts after I disagreed with his assessment of the impact of the Cambria List on gonzo porn. Then he just deleted them once he realised he would have to man up and accept another opinion. Typical.
Posted by: fartz

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 10/26/13 03:24 PM

I think the mystique is gone. It's not a weird little world inhabited by pervs and assclowns anymore. Everything is all hi-def and shiny and girls are educating themselves and making more legitimate efforts to control their careers. Tube sites, torrents, etc. Any eight year old with a smartphone can watch Adriano stick his entire face up a gaped butt. Shit's transitioning.
Posted by: Bluecipher

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/04/13 11:20 AM

The Post-Gonzo World - A Brave New Frontier.

Someone needs to write that little seminar paper.
Posted by: Iglesia

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/09/13 12:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Willie D
It's all a big cluster fuck

Posted by: Perronegro

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/10/13 12:27 AM

Porn is shit these days.

No more "fucked in the head" whores getting what they deserve from Brandon, JM, ...

No more new stuff from Max Hardcore.

Here in Europe the porn with eastern countries chicks is like watching a dude fucking a doll; no face expression nor of joy/pleasure neither of shame.

In my country, Spain, when a pretty and focused girl appears, like Dolce, goes to bad hands and after some titles the girl disappear. Where? nobody knows, some people say that she escorts in Barcelona, others argue that she found a good goy and left for good....

And for above all points, no more Jenna Presley. T_T

Jessica White is my number 1 girl these days. But I have the feeling she is burning too fast.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/10/13 07:47 AM

Ya think it is the legalized weed in CA's fault? All these damaged bims, instead of being full on nuts and self medicating with meth blow and smack, they got their weed card and get high 24/7 so the crazy doesn't have a chance to feed on itself and grow.bigger.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/10/13 01:02 PM

Not enough anal from new girls. Mostly the same ones been doing it for a while with a few exceptions.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/10/13 07:13 PM

While we're at it: Where is Porn Journalism these days when I find this out from the friggin Daily News and not from here:

Bill would require goggles for porn shoots
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/10/13 09:29 PM

You should read our Mod TRPWL's site. He had the Daily Mail version.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/11/13 06:08 PM

Originally Posted By: J.B.
While we're at it: Where is Porn Journalism these days when I find this out from the friggin Daily News and not from here:

Bill would require goggles for porn shoots

Ever since 1986 the porn industry has been focused on combating the far right. From day one I always thought that the far left was going to do them in. I was off a little on my political correctness vector in that I thought it was going to be the radical feminists that would be making the kill instead of over do-goody germaphobics but I had the general idea.

No one jerks off more than the far right. They just don't want you knowing they like sex. Keep in mind Jessica Hahn became famous for fucking Jim Bakker. No relatively hot piece of ass has ever became famous by fucking Andrea Dworkin.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Where is Porno These Days? - 11/11/13 08:41 PM

Jessica Hahn, Donna Rice and Fawn Hall made a nice trio in the mid '80s, before Jimmy Swaggart had to sin against his lord with Debra Murphree, who may or may not still be serving roadkill at a diner in Pennsyltucky. In any event, ^ that's QOTD.