ADT censors posts

Posted by: kyoto

ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 06:32 AM

I made a post regarding Fayner and another about Teagan. They were removed and I was banned. Censorship on a porn message board? Interesting.
Posted by: Smartt

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 07:23 AM

Hello, you. New on this planet?
Posted by: kyoto

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 07:56 AM


Hello, you. New in this planet?

Were you trying to say 'on this planet.' 'New in this planet?' That makes no sense at all. OMG, you are so stupid. I'm shocked that the zookeepers let you have a computer in your pen. The keyboard and monitor are probably covered with your feces. You're a disgusting animal that needs to be put to sleep.

Posted by: Pussy Power

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 08:01 AM

I have had a long running battle with ADT. I was accused of being many people, including the Pope and Saddam Hussein.

Posted by: kyoto

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 08:06 AM


I have had a long running battle with ADT. I was accused of being many people, including the Pope and Saddam Hussein.


I'll sign up again and expose the fascism at ADT. What a bunch of cowards. If you even THINK of saying something negative to or about one of the porn stars they freak out.
Posted by: Pussy Power

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 08:22 AM

I would never ever click on that site never mind sign up. In my time there, I knew I wasn't liked. I could see my demise coming but held on. Mods like M Lyons and Astroshite are just sheep. That site is a dead loss. No one with sense likes it.

Posted by: JRV

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 08:25 AM

I almost posted a Teagan critique there a while ago but didn't. It was a friendly list of things to look at that might be improved, basically constructive criticism saying to quit looking at the monitor, eyes only on things in the camera's PoV, etc.

It probably wouldn't have done any good but I don't think she'd have gotten mad over it. But I never posted it because it would have been deleted and a gotten me a public stoning.
Posted by: kyoto

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 08:39 AM

I have to admit my comment about Teagan at ADT was harsh. But the porn stars on xxxporntalk are verbally abused and they give it right back to whoever insulted them. It's fun.

I don't have anything against Teagan but in my opinion she's over-rated. I saw her in a High Society spread and I wasn't that impressed.
Posted by: Pussy Power

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 08:58 AM

Stay here at XXXPORNTALK. If you go back to ADT, you'll only be accused of being me. In fact, I think that's why you were banned. Our grammer is the same.

Posted by: zenman

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 12:50 PM

I made a fag joke once over there and almost got banned.
Posted by: BigPornFan

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 03:34 PM

Why would any of you post there and then talk shit after being banned ? If you have any kind of personality your gone and god forbid if your not pc enough for them . That site is about as anti porn as they come . Most of use would be less likely being banned from the moral majority discussion forum . As a adult I dont need someone looking over my shoulder and telling me how to think . Fuck adt and fuck you if you support them .
Posted by: kyoto

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 03:47 PM


Why would any of you post there and then talk shit after being banned ? If you have any kind of personality your gone and god forbid if your not pc enough for them . That site is about as anti porn as they come . Most of use would be less likely being banned from the moral majority discussion forum . As a adult I dont need someone looking over my shoulder and telling me how to think . Fuck adt and fuck you if you support them .

someone forgot to take their meds today
Posted by: It Was Fun

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 04:30 PM

She's cute and all but I had a bad experience filming her myself. But this is when she was fresh a day before he first anal scene, still kooked out about life's drama's and not a single sound out of her while getting fucked. Poor child.

Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 04:57 PM

kids these days...
Posted by: 2cums

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 06:24 PM


She's cute and all but I had a bad experience filming her myself. But this is when she was fresh a day before he first anal scene, still kooked out about life's drama's and not a single sound out of her while getting fucked. Poor child.


I watched Weapons of Ass Destruction 3 the other night. She looked great in it, far better than the other two lame scenes I have seen from her.
Posted by: JRV

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/22/04 10:59 PM


She's cute and all but I had a bad experience filming her myself. But this is when she was fresh a day before her first anal scene, still kooked out about life's drama's and not a single sound out of her while getting fucked. Poor child.

Teagan seemed as close as they come to a virgin when she started porn, perhaps not physically, but in terms of maturity - knowing who she was and what she wanted. I got the "Oh, Wow, Can We Do It Again?" impression from her. She may want to do "it" but doesn’t really know what it is, or how to do it, or how to handle it.

She's the hottest thing these days for photos but about as bad a performer as it gets: she'd be my first choice to put on a box cover and my last choice to put in the video. She may get better but she probably has too many cheerleaders around her and nobody willing to give an honest critique.

I think "Poor child" and Rob's "kids these days" hits the target. She was high-school maturity wandering into porn where she probably shouldn't have been yet.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: ADT censors posts - 07/24/04 07:40 AM


I think "Poor child" and Rob's "kids these days" hits the target. She was high-school maturity wandering into porn where she probably shouldn't have been yet.

We had our newest exclusive talent,Crissy Leigh, on Playboy Radio yesterday and Teagan was there. Well, the above qoute hits the nail on the head.