10 Questions with...Cameron Keys

Posted by: BIFF™

10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/23/09 04:55 PM

First off, I appreciate Ms. Keys answering my dopey questions. A couple I commented on in ( ) Enjoy.

1. Why the name Cameron Keys? Not one of those street name/pet name things is it?

Cameron: no not street/pet name! I was coming up with a stage name when I first started dancing. I wanted something different and not overly girly. Charlies Angels had just come out..so I chose Cameron. Keys is for the florida keys,where me and my girlfriends had some of our best memories together over the years.

2. What got you interested in doing adult scenes?

Cameron: I had thought about it a few times and when I was doing reg modeling I was contacted by an adult agent and thought ..hey...never know unless you try...so I did and liked it!

3. Do you have limits? Things you won't do in front of the camera but do in civilian life and vice-versa.

Cameron: everyone has limits. But for the most part,physically...I dont do much off camera that I do on

4. I just gotta know. Natural blue eyes or colored contacts?

Cameron: natural blue I cant wear contacts...tried a cpl times, but they always irritate my eyes so badly I have to take them out within 20 minutes (Biff: those eyes slay me)

5. Do family members know or care that you are an adult entertainer?

Cameron: only my younger brother knows,and he disowned me when he found out (Biff: )

6. Are there things in adult scenes that make your stomach turn? Such as a guy or girl that hasn't been taking care of themselves hygiene-wise. No need to name names but it makes for a better read if you out someone.

Cameron: hygiene would def be a BIG no no...thankfully I havent really had an issue with it. Other then that...being an asshole would turn me off and make me angry and it would not be a good scene

7. What makes you hot and bothered? What turns you off?

Cameron: it really all comes down to chemistry. In general terms...dark hair with blue eyes is hot! I dont like guys who shave/wax their chests..I like a hairy chest! I like rugged manly men and skinny pretty boys turn me OFF

8. Do you plan on performing in adult scenes far into the future or is this more or less a hobby for a little nest egg?

Cameron: I plan on performing until it gets boring or people stop wanting to see me..whichever comes first!

9. Would you do a scene with a male performer, even though he says he has a clean test, knowing he has in the past done scenes with other males and transgendered individuals and has also participated in off-camera hijinks with the same kind of people?

Cameron: thats a tough one. I love and fully support gays..but, realistically I know that HIV is higher for gay male porn talent. MUCH higher. So no,I would probably not shoot with anyone unless they had not had any gay contact for at least a year and tested clean that whole time.

10. Am I a dick for asking the previous question? Seriously, what male and/or female would you love to have fun with just for one day? You could have your way with either, both, one or the other.

Cameron: no...it sucks that what I said above is true,but it is. and my gay friends will be the first to say it is.
anyone?? Julian McMahon and Kristen Bell!!

There you have it. A little of what makes Ms. Keys tick. I like this MILF and any heterosexual with a pulse should too. It's those fuckin' eyes I'm tellin' ya.
Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/23/09 05:48 PM

Wow, Biff has more game than Milton Bradley! VH1 should get rid of that Mystery guy and give Biff a show where he teaches the secrets of charming women.
Posted by: BIFF™

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 01:38 AM


Great questions, and some very honest answers.
Took the ball and ran with it, BIFF....

Thanks. Someone had to do it. Burg hasn't been around enough to do it and I think a couple others did but they have disappeared. Hopefully Marley will be up for something similar in the future.
Posted by: Northrop

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 06:58 AM


Wow, Biff has more game than Milton Bradley! VH1 should get rid of that Mystery guy and give Biff a show where he teaches the secrets of charming women.

At least he displayed average intelligence with those questions. With his other posts on the board, I was beginning to wonder... And, he did get good pics of Cameron, which Bishop was unable to do.
Posted by: Crocodile

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 09:00 AM

Biff: Marley was kind enough to answer a couple of my questions just a few months ago. Some of her answers are really interesting so check it out if you want http://www.xxxporntalk.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=reviews&Number=397853&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=9&o=&fpart=4
Posted by: freestylah

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 11:14 AM


Good questions, indeed. Nicely done.

@cameroon keeys


5. Do family members know or care that you are an adult entertainer?
Cameron: only my younger brother knows,and he disowned me when he found out

You're a really straightforward girl. Not.


8. Do you plan on performing in adult scenes far into the future or is this more or less a hobby for a little nest egg?
Cameron: I plan on performing until it gets boring or people stop wanting to see me..whichever comes first!

It has been boring for me since day 1. And I don't want to see you. Not now, not in the future.


9. Would you do a scene with a male performer, even though he says he has a clean test, knowing he has in the past done scenes with other males and transgendered individuals and has also participated in off-camera hijinks with the same kind of people?
Cameron: thats a tough one. I love and fully support gays..but, realistically I know that HIV is higher for gay male porn talent. MUCH higher. So no,I would probably not shoot with anyone unless they had not had any gay contact for at least a year and tested clean that whole time.

Double standards. But that ain't news.
Posted by: Crocodile

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 11:32 AM

Here are my questions for the lovely Miss Cameron. Hope she'll find some time to answer them.:)

1. You are well-known around here for having one of the most anatomically perfect pussies in the industry and flawless set of fake boobies. For me however, your confidence is the most sexy thing about you. Have you always been so confident with your body and sexual skills?

2. Name 3 things that should be gone from porn

3. You often use twitter to comment on Holly Madison's and Kendra Wilkinson's(sp?) tweets. Have either of them ever contacted you back?

4. You and AC Cream(pictured below on the right) are the last two remaining people on Earth. You must repopulate the planet. You are really horny. He's as fat, repulsive and disgusting as ever. Would you agree to have sex with him?

5.You left the following message on Desi Foxx's blog a few months ago: "cameron keys wrote:Hey guys! Glad to see you are happy and doing well! I've thought about doing the Bunny Ranch thing...just dont want to be away from home that long I guess! Best wishes and have fun!!". What is it that attracts you to Dennis Hof's establishment?

6. What's your favorite Pink Floyd song?

7. You often mention your college degree. Obviously you're very proud of your education. I'm sure your parents were beaming with pride when you graduated. They were full of hopes for their little girl but you ended up sucking and fucking strange men, in most cases your social inferiors, on camera for money. As you said on stripperweb this "would cause them unbelievable pain and worry" if they knew. How can you look into the mirror and be okay with what stares back at you?

8. Dow 10,000 before the end of the year. Yes or no and why?

9. What's the single funniest thing that ever happened to you on a set?

10. What's the purpose of life?
Posted by: cameronkeys

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 12:21 PM


Here are my questions for the lovely Miss Cameron. Hope she'll find some time to answer them.:)

1. You are well-known around here for having one of the most anatomically perfect pussies in the industry and flawless set of fake boobies. For me however, your confidence is the most sexy thing about you. Have you always been so confident with your body and sexual skills?

Body...not so much. Some expensive plastic surgery,a good diet/work out routine and maturity helped me realize that curves are hot! Sexual skills...I've always been confident with mine!


2. Name 3 things that should be gone from porn

I honestly cant think of anything. Theres a lot I dont care for,but as long as its legal and consenting..to each their own!


3. You often use twitter to comment on Holly Madison's and Kendra Wilkinson's(sp?) tweets. Have either of them ever contacted you back?

Lol..sadly,not yet. It amuses me though to do it and I dont expect them to respond.I did get a response from Bridget once though which was cool,since she's my fav GND!!


4. You and AC Cream(pictured below on the right) are the last two remaining people on Earth. You must repopulate the planet. You are really horny. He's as fat, repulsive and disgusting as ever. Would you agree to have sex with him?

Would entirely depend on his personality.I have no idea who he is or what he is like...


5.You left the following message on Desi Foxx's blog a few months ago: "cameron keys wrote:Hey guys! Glad to see you are happy and doing well! I've thought about doing the Bunny Ranch thing...just dont want to be away from home that long I guess! Best wishes and have fun!!". What is it that attracts you to Dennis Hof's establishment?

Curiosity mostly...not enough to make me go though as of yet.


6. What's your favorite Pink Floyd song?

Not a huge PF fan...but if I had to choose..prob Comfortably Numb


7. You often mention your college degree. Obviously you're very proud of your education. I'm sure your parents were beaming with pride when you graduated. They were full of hopes for their little girl but you ended up sucking and fucking strange men, in most cases your social inferiors, on camera for money. As you said on stripperweb this "would cause them unbelievable pain and worry" if they knew. How can you look into the mirror and be okay with what stares back at you?

What are you doing...stalking me?You know what I have posted on multiple sites months ago..?? Creeeepppyyyy...
But I'm fine with the mirror because I'm doing what I want to do and not hurting anyone. If anyone else has a problem with the choices I've made,that is THEIR problem,not mine.


8. Dow 10,000 before the end of the year. Yes or no and why?

Quite possibly,but it wont stay that way. It wont be sustainable until people start making more money and have more discretionary income.


9. What's the single funniest thing that ever happened to you on a set?

Hmmm...most sets are full of goofballs joking around so I'm not sure...hard to pick just one.


10. What's the purpose of life?

If I knew that,I'd be independently wealthy!
Posted by: Crocodile

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 12:36 PM

Whoa, nice answers

Thanks Cameron.:)

Edit: oh and FYI it didn't take me more than 10 mins to find these quotes on teh interwebz. No need to be paranoid.:)
Posted by: cameronkeys

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 02:36 PM


5. Do family members know or care that you are an adult entertainer?
Cameron: only my younger brother knows,and he disowned me when he found out

You're a really straightforward girl. Not.

Yeah...because if I was going to lie I wouldnt say something like "no..my family all knows and is really supportive of me" like a ton of other PW's have. Nope...wouldnt say that at all. Moron


8. Do you plan on performing in adult scenes far into the future or is this more or less a hobby for a little nest egg?
Cameron: I plan on performing until it gets boring or people stop wanting to see me..whichever comes first!

It has been boring for me since day 1. And I don't want to see you. Not now, not in the future.

Then by all means...ignore the living shit out of me. PLEASE. For someone that is SO bored with me and just HATES everything about me...you seem almost obsessed with chiming in every time someone mentions me. Hmmm...methinks you doth protest too much...


9. Would you do a scene with a male performer, even though he says he has a clean test, knowing he has in the past done scenes with other males and transgendered individuals and has also participated in off-camera hijinks with the same kind of people?
Cameron: thats a tough one. I love and fully support gays..but, realistically I know that HIV is higher for gay male porn talent. MUCH higher. So no,I would probably not shoot with anyone unless they had not had any gay contact for at least a year and tested clean that whole time.

Double standards. But that ain't news.

It isnt really double standards. Everyone has the right to have sex or not have sex with anyone they want to. (well...as long as they want to have sex with you too!) Take HIV out of the equation (or if we ever come up with an HIV test that is 100% in a quick test so I can know for SURE that neg means neg and not that it is just too soon for the virus to show up on tests)and I'd be ECSTATIC to have a 3some with 2 bi guys who are tearing each other up too. Gay sex is fucking HOT! But I've seen too much gay male talent come up positive in a daily quick test to want to take that chance. My health isnt great as it is and I dont want to add HIV to the mix.
Posted by: cameronkeys

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 02:39 PM


Whoa, nice answers

Thanks Cameron.:)

Edit: oh and FYI it didn't take me more than 10 mins to find these quotes on teh interwebz. No need to be paranoid.:)

Good to know..lol. Esp since that stripperweb one is well over a year old. I closed that account on there @ a year and a half ago!! Partly BECAUSE it was so easily found in a search. But happy to know you arent a creepy stalker guy.....................................................................................................................................................................................or so you SAY....
Posted by: Smokey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 04:57 PM

Cameron, while I am definately not a fan of your look/work, I am becoming more and more of a fan of your personality. Thanks for answering the questions, and being an honest chick in a sea full of perverts.

My question is this. Why do all girls who claim to be soooo proud of their curves, always make sure to tell you how hard they are working out to get rid of the curves they claim to be proud of?
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 05:03 PM

Nice Biff... Very well done. And thanks to Cameron for being a good sport, it's not like she doesn't know this place and all that entails.
Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 06:03 PM


Great questions, and some very honest answers.
Took the ball and ran with it, BIFF....

Dude, why are you trying to boost Biff's self-esteem. Those were the kind of questions a retard would ask if Make-a-wish got him an interview with his fav pw.

Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 06:17 PM



Good questions, indeed. Nicely done.

@cameroon keeys


5. Do family members know or care that you are an adult entertainer?
Cameron: only my younger brother knows,and he disowned me when he found out

You're a really straightforward girl. Not.


8. Do you plan on performing in adult scenes far into the future or is this more or less a hobby for a little nest egg?
Cameron: I plan on performing until it gets boring or people stop wanting to see me..whichever comes first!

It has been boring for me since day 1. And I don't want to see you. Not now, not in the future.


9. Would you do a scene with a male performer, even though he says he has a clean test, knowing he has in the past done scenes with other males and transgendered individuals and has also participated in off-camera hijinks with the same kind of people?
Cameron: thats a tough one. I love and fully support gays..but, realistically I know that HIV is higher for gay male porn talent. MUCH higher. So no,I would probably not shoot with anyone unless they had not had any gay contact for at least a year and tested clean that whole time.

Double standards. But that ain't news.


Since you're so critical of Cameron's answers, why don't you show her how it's done?:

1. Why the name Freestylah? Why not Candyman or something more kid friendly?

2. What got you interested in doing kiddy porn?

3. Do you have limits? Things you won't do in front of the camera with a boy but do in private life and vice-versa.

4. I just gotta know. Natural crazy eyes or or did your mind have to become warped first?

5. Do family members know or care that you are a pedophile?

6. Are there things in kiddy porn that make your stomach turn? Such as a boy that hasn't been taking care of himself hygiene-wise.

7. What kind of boy makes you hot and bothered? What turns you off?

8. Do you plan on making kiddy porn far into the future or is this more or less a hobby for a little nest egg?

9. Would you do a scene with a boy knowing he has in the past done scenes with other pedophiles and has been molested off-camera by the same kind of people?

10. Seriously, what boy would you love to have fun with just for one day? Webster? Macauley Culkin? Jerry Mathers (the Beaver)?
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 06:47 PM



Great questions, and some very honest answers.
Took the ball and ran with it, BIFF....

Dude, why are you trying to boost Biff's self-esteem. Those were the kind of questions a retard would ask if Make-a-wish got him an interview with his fav pw.

Goat... dumb fucken questions beg for a week off. You ban him, yes?. I'll pm him my e-mail addy and when he's done being a tard.. I'll let you know.

Who's going to complain, ya know?.

Posted by: cameronkeys

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 09:51 PM


Cameron, while I am definately not a fan of your look/work, I am becoming more and more of a fan of your personality. Thanks for answering the questions, and being an honest chick in a sea full of perverts.

My question is this. Why do all girls who claim to be soooo proud of their curves, always make sure to tell you how hard they are working out to get rid of the curves they claim to be proud of?

oh I'm def not working out to get rid of my curves! I'm not built to be a skinny waif so even if I wanted to get of em I couldn't! I love my curves and I work out to make them more defined and more musculer. Plus if you bring your body fat down you can see the muscles and curves more instead of your attention being diverted to jiggly rolls of fat! There's "curvy" aka: kim kardashian or bridgett from GND. And then there's just FAT like Beth ditto or kirstie alley! I get annoyed when a 300 pound chick with 4 chins says "I'm curvy"...no you aren't honey, you're just fat!!LOL
Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 10:00 PM


How many times has a strip club owner expected you to fuck him for working at his club? Have you found this to be the norm or the exception? What about private parties with the owner's friends/male club employees after close? How often have you been expected to provide free ass?

Posted by: Smokey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 10:41 PM



Cameron, while I am definately not a fan of your look/work, I am becoming more and more of a fan of your personality. Thanks for answering the questions, and being an honest chick in a sea full of perverts.

My question is this. Why do all girls who claim to be soooo proud of their curves, always make sure to tell you how hard they are working out to get rid of the curves they claim to be proud of?

oh I'm def not working out to get rid of my curves! I'm not built to be a skinny waif so even if I wanted to get of em I couldn't! I love my curves and I work out to make them more defined and more musculer. Plus if you bring your body fat down you can see the muscles and curves more instead of your attention being diverted to jiggly rolls of fat! There's "curvy" aka: kim kardashian or bridgett from GND. And then there's just FAT like Beth ditto or kirstie alley! I get annoyed when a 300 pound chick with 4 chins says "I'm curvy"...no you aren't honey, you're just fat!!LOL

whether i agree or not, thats just a quality answer. much obliged for taking the time Ms. Keys.
Posted by: cameronkeys

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/24/09 11:44 PM



How many times has a strip club owner expected you to fuck him for working at his club? Have you found this to be the norm or the exception? What about private parties with the owner's friends/male club employees after close? How often have you been expected to provide free ass?

Honestly? Never. I've been hit on and Ive danced for owners(IN the club)...but they paid me the full amount and when I said no to anything else they didnt ask again.
Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 08:38 AM




How many times has a strip club owner expected you to fuck him for working at his club? Have you found this to be the norm or the exception? What about private parties with the owner's friends/male club employees after close? How often have you been expected to provide free ass?

Honestly? Never. I've been hit on and Ive danced for owners(IN the club)...but they paid me the full amount and when I said no to anything else they didnt ask again.

Ever have a customer beaten by the bouncers for grabbing or licking one of your bodyparts? Ever have customers rack up 5+ private dances in a row, and then not have money to pay you? What did you do? Ever have another dancer threaten or assault you because they thought you were trying to steal their regulars? What's the most a customer has offered to get extras? What's the biggest gift you've received from a customer who was trying to impress you into thinking he's rich? Have any customers ever shown up at your house?
Posted by: TonyMalice

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 08:52 AM


Ever have a customer beaten by the bouncers for grabbing or licking one of your bodyparts? Ever have customers rack up 5+ private dances in a row, and then not have money to pay you? What did you do? Ever have another dancer threaten or assault you because they thought you were trying to steal their regulars? What's the most a customer has offered to get extras? What's the biggest gift you've received from a customer who was trying to impress you into thinking he's rich? Have any customers ever shown up at your house?

Is Cameron supposed to guess which one of these examples you are?
Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 09:00 AM



Ever have a customer beaten by the bouncers for grabbing or licking one of your bodyparts? Ever have customers rack up 5+ private dances in a row, and then not have money to pay you? What did you do? Ever have another dancer threaten or assault you because they thought you were trying to steal their regulars? What's the most a customer has offered to get extras? What's the biggest gift you've received from a customer who was trying to impress you into thinking he's rich? Have any customers ever shown up at your house?

Is Cameron supposed to guess which one of these examples you are?

Watch it Malice. I'm the star attraction at this site and you know it. If I go away, XPT's ad revenue would evaporate.

Posted by: have2cit

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 09:38 AM

I'm sure JM and Co. would be perfectly willing to risk that.
Posted by: cameronkeys

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 11:26 AM





How many times has a strip club owner expected you to fuck him for working at his club? Have you found this to be the norm or the exception? What about private parties with the owner's friends/male club employees after close? How often have you been expected to provide free ass?

Honestly? Never. I've been hit on and Ive danced for owners(IN the club)...but they paid me the full amount and when I said no to anything else they didnt ask again.

Ever have a customer beaten by the bouncers for grabbing or licking one of your bodyparts? Ever have customers rack up 5+ private dances in a row, and then not have money to pay you? What did you do? Ever have another dancer threaten or assault you because they thought you were trying to steal their regulars? What's the most a customer has offered to get extras? What's the biggest gift you've received from a customer who was trying to impress you into thinking he's rich? Have any customers ever shown up at your house?

Oy...you've given misbehaving in a SC a LOT of thought!! OK...to answer: yes(and broken a cpl bones myself);no but I've had them get a CR and not have the $. They were taken care of; no,other dancers havent really messed with me much;$10K; I've gotten clothes,jewelry,etc...one custie bought me one of my birds and everything that she needed including a $500 wood play perch/tree.THAT was cool!He bought me a lot of stuff including a sapphire & diamond ring for my 30th b-day,tons of clothes(he used to bring in catelogs like Victorias Secret and tell me to just circle what I wanted and he'd bring it into the club when it was delivered),tires for my car when a drunk driver ran me into the median on my way home from work one night and blew out 2 tires and bent my rims....he bought me a lot of stuff! And never once asked where I live or my real name or anything! He was the best reg EVER!!

And HELL NO has a custie ever shown up at my house...I'd shoot their ass if they did!!!
Posted by: freestylah

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 01:01 PM

@ The Star Poster of XPT



Since you're so critical of Cameron's answers, why don't you show her how it's done?:

1. Why the name Freestylah? Why not Candyman or something more kid friendly?

freestylah (without the capital f) goes back a long way, some 10 years I guess. I liked it then and I like it now.
Never thought of Candyman, really.


4. I just gotta know. Natural crazy eyes or or did your mind have to become warped first?

I don't know. Never bothered to think about it. My mind ain't warped, so if I have crazy eyes, then yes, they're natural.


2. What got you interested in doing kiddy porn? 3. Do you have limits? Things you won't do in front of the camera with a boy but do in private life and vice-versa.5. Do family members know or care that you are a pedophile?6. Are there things in kiddy porn that make your stomach turn? Such as a boy that hasn't been taking care of himself hygiene-wise.7. What kind of boy makes you hot and bothered? What turns you off?8. Do you plan on making kiddy porn far into the future or is this more or less a hobby for a little nest egg?9. Would you do a scene with a boy knowing he has in the past done scenes with other pedophiles and has been molested off-camera by the same kind of people?10. Seriously, what boy would you love to have fun with just for one day? Webster? Macauley Culkin? Jerry Mathers (the Beaver)?

Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 01:21 PM




Ever have a customer beaten by the bouncers for grabbing or licking one of your bodyparts? Ever have customers rack up 5+ private dances in a row, and then not have money to pay you? What did you do? Ever have another dancer threaten or assault you because they thought you were trying to steal their regulars? What's the most a customer has offered to get extras? What's the biggest gift you've received from a customer who was trying to impress you into thinking he's rich? Have any customers ever shown up at your house?

Is Cameron supposed to guess which one of these examples you are?

Watch it Malice. I'm the star attraction at this site and you know it. If I go away, XPT's ad revenue would evaporate.

Looks like Malice just took away one of the stars from my rating. I still have the same number of rates (46) as before. Ooooooh, don't mess with the porn company office clerk. XPT is on thin ice. Maybe we should discuss why Gia kicked you to the curb after that very disappointing test drive.
Posted by: TonyMalice

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 02:34 PM

I have no idea who took your star away. Maybe have2cit? I have better things to do than add or subtract stars like this is fucking kindygarten.
Posted by: Coke banned by Monkey

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 02:43 PM

LIAR !! Put it back, Devry Boy! I know everything Gia had to say about your ill-fated romance.
Posted by: TonyMalice

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 02:56 PM

Would somebody please give Coke Stevenson a star?
Posted by: freestylah

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 03:14 PM

I already rated our 'Star' Poster in the past; can't rate twice.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 05:24 PM


Can we verify this chode isn't really just a smartt alt? Fucking stars.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 05:31 PM

Agreed... I've 5 starred the fucker at least ten times and it seems he's Pennsylvania field bound determined to downward spiral.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 05:41 PM

I think the fucker is off his meds. Just relax Coke, find the nearest sink, a bar of soap, and wash your hands 3 or 4 hundred times. Everything will be right as rain then.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/25/09 06:13 PM


Would somebody please give Coke Stevenson a star?

Since you asked so nicely.

Posted by: Northrop

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/26/09 06:15 AM


Agreed... I've 5 starred the fucker at least ten times and it seems he's Pennsylvania field bound determined to downward spiral.

Lou, seriously, how many alts do you have?

Coke Stevenson:

I know everything Gia had to say about your ill-fated romance.

Gia is a huffy little mynx. She went so far as to tell me the furniture in my living room is "gawdy". I could see her getting off bitching about an ex-boyfriend, even to a Coke Stevenson.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/26/09 02:14 PM


Lou, seriously, how many alts do you have?

Lets see.. counting you I have exactly...ALL OF THEM.

That's not true. The LC is an Army Of One.

Posted by: electrostatic

Re: 10 Questions with...Cameron Keys - 08/27/09 08:26 AM



Lou, seriously, how many alts do you have?

Lets see.. counting you I have exactly...ALL OF THEM.

That's not true. The LC is an Army Of One.

Backdoorman thought I was you. Or you were I. But you know that I know that's...

Smelly Monkey sure has been gone a while now hasn't he?

PS. in the fall... He can... Right?