And You Thought Torrent's Were Bad

Posted by: Moxie

And You Thought Torrent's Were Bad - 01/10/08 07:34 PM

This Article outlines the plan of ISP's to filter out torrents. You say "Torrents are bad, let them filter them." Well, what else do you suppose they can filter? How about porn? While the Government cannot filter porn from the internet, there's nothing to stop private companies from doing so. Heck, they can even promote this as "Comcast is acting to protect little Jonny from porn."
Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: And You Thought Torrent's Were Bad - 01/10/08 07:59 PM

You got the url wrong. It's
Posted by: thejerkmaster

Re: And You Thought Torrent's Were Bad - 01/11/08 12:22 AM

Fuck them use browzar.
Posted by: JRV

Re: And You Thought Torrent's Were Bad - 01/11/08 12:41 AM

Torrents are also used to distribute a lot of legal software.

ISPs who block transport indiscriminately (i.e., don't try to determine if the content is legal or not) would seem to risk lawsuits by interfering with transactions between businesses.

In a larger sense I'd sure be upset as a shareholder. This is expensive for the ISP and greatly risks all kinds of litigation and regulation. They ought to be charging RIAA/MPAA a fortune for it. Also, there's a strong risk to the revenue base if customers start opting for other ISPs - how am I as an ISP shareholder being compensated for this risk and expense?
Posted by: PainfulAzzFuckin

Re: And You Thought Torrent's Were Bad - 01/11/08 06:11 AM

The clueless idiots of da intrawebs use torrents. Just go for IRC and Usenet, get things faster and way before they hit the torrents.

On a legal note....wait until they try to do this and a whole slew of angry users sue them for violating their "Common Carrier" status, which gives them all sorts of tax perks. That'll stop this shit pretty quick.