Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare"

Posted by: Conky

Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 07:53 AM

According to Gene Ross over at, Bree Olsen has a lot more to worry about than trying to charge producers a fortune:

" From, Bree Olson posts on Yahoo: " I think I am pregnant and I am so scared!?

I think I am pregnant. I have about a week till my period so I can't check yet. I had an abortion last year and I will never do it again! I can't believe I let this happen. I am so upset I can't stop crying and I am scared. Please give me advise. No mean people! I am already taking this hard enough I need some help......I don't wanna tell anyone in my life yet. I just want to die. I feel like if I am pregnant my last abortion which I almost killed myself over was for nothing! The father is fine, I know he would marry me and make a good father. He is financially stable and older but I am too young! I am so scared! Any advise?""

Any advice? Sure. Use contraception you dumb fucking whore.

Cool, another porn child

I expect her rates to tumble once the stretch marks kick in.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:03 AM

how could she possibly know who the father is/would be? i mean, she takes how many cocks and obviously is not using contraception...
Posted by: MiaRoseXXX

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:16 AM

HA HA! woot to you Bree.... Heres my advice. Number one, don't fucking amnnouce shit that you are not 100% sure of.... "no press is bad press, but wow....:: Flick on ur forehead ::

And two.... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TELL THE PUBLIC FIRST? "didnt mean for the caps, but they look nice" lol.

Bree... You F*in twit....

We all need attention... but saying you might have someones sperm growing like "Alien".... Not the right attention.

"Let see your gaping ass hole" As my dear friend Jack SHIT would say.

Posted by: Cum Stains

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:18 AM

Wow. Chris Fox is gonna be bummed out when the baby comes out black.
Posted by: MiaRoseXXX

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:21 AM

PS! I am a firm fuckin believer in the once every three months shot. IT IS THE BEST FOR PORN GIRLS... We cant fucking remember the pill... I cant count the times I heard "Oh fuck... " from my friends... I also remember me saying the the same words cause I was knocked up... " OH FUCK YES! FUCK YEA! FUCK IT NEWB!"

Posted by: Moxie

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:38 AM

Gene has been hoaxed with old news yet again. That was from Bree's Yahoo Answers page from [B]LAST SEPTEMBER [/B]. I think if she continued with the pregnancy she would have shown a little bit by now. In fact, if you click the link there's a little thing called "date" which says "4 months ago - 18 answers."

In fact, do a little research and you will see that we already discussed this on XPT months ago. I think it was in a thread about Audrey Bittoni.

Posted by: MiaRoseXXX

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:41 AM

Damn.... Well.. on the good side... Moxie, I think ur knocked up... with a baby elephant and the trunk is coming out already......har... har.. I tried
Posted by: crispinglover1

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:44 AM

How fucked up are you if Mia Rose thinks you have problems?
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:53 AM

Edit: I am a fucking MO Ron and didn't read the whole thread. Retracting flame at Crispin.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 08:57 AM



How fucked up are you if Mia Rose thinks you have problems?

I believe she was implying I have big dick you retard. I'll take those kind of problems. Mia and I are cool.

i thought mcfly was referencing mia's comments about bree being fucking retarded, but i could be wrong...
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 09:06 AM


HA HA! woot to you Bree.... Heres my advice. Number one, don't fucking amnnouce shit that you are not 100% sure of.... "no press is bad press, but wow....:: Flick on ur forehead ::

And two.... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TELL THE PUBLIC FIRST? "didnt mean for the caps, but they look nice" lol.

Bree... You F*in twit....

We all need attention... but saying you might have someones sperm growing like "Alien".... Not the right attention.

"Let see your gaping ass hole" As my dear friend Jack SHIT would say.


How ironic that Mia was going to do the Maury show, when this other whore (and a bunch of porn stuntcock suspects) would be a much better fit for Maury's "Who's the Daddy" shows?
Posted by: Conky

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 09:17 AM

How can I efficiently mock these women when my news sources are months out of date? Stupid Gene Ross.

Gene told me that they're televising JFK's trip to Dallas today on one of the channels. I'll watch that. I like him. Hope it all turns out okay for him in Texas.
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 09:18 AM


How fucked up are you if Mia Rose thinks you have problems?

No shit.
Posted by: crispinglover1

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 10:04 AM


Wow. Chris Fox is gonna be bummed out when the baby comes out black.

How can he be bummed? That fat fuck is lucky he got to bang her in the first place. Do you think she even lets him fuck her? And how good would sex with her be after picking her up from being pummeled all day? He is an idiot and deserves to get squeezed for his cash.
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 10:16 AM

This was all discussed in February

If she is talking about Chris Fox, then here is what she told Billy Watson about him:

I Shoot Porn


At dinner she told me about her boyfriend. She found him on myspace, and she searched specifically for dudes in her area that made more that 250K a year. I had no idea myspace offered such a wonderful service as allowing a user to find their ideal mate by an income tax bracket, but appearently they do. Bree found one man in her small, midwestern town that fit the bill, and sure enough they’re dating, and sure enough he’s fallen in love, and sure enough she’s ready for more, and sure enough when she’s done with school she’ll divorce him, and take 1/2 of his stuff, cause that’s her plan.

She didn’t mince words, either.

“Why would you do that to him, Bree?”

“Cause I want nice things while I’m in school. Like a Mercedes.”

“What kind of Mercedes?”

“Oh, any kind. I don’t care.”

“How about you live in a dorm room and have a roomie and eat Top Ramen and be poor and enjoy your time being a young starving student so you’ll enjoy things even more when you earn them, later in life, yourself?”

“You’re a pornographer. You’re no better than me.”

“But I don’t deceive people. I mean you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into when you come spend a day with me. What if this guy walks off a bridge after you divorce him cause he loved you so much? What then? I mean how would you feel?”

“He won’t do that. And if he did I’d go to his funeral with some flowers. Besides, it’s not like it hasn’t happened to him before. He’s already been divorced once.”

“Well, just be honest with him. Tell him you want a Sugar Daddy. If he dumps you, trust me, you’ll find a guy that’ll be happy to be your Sugar Daddy. You know? And then you can live with yourself cause it’s the right thing to do.”

Bree looked at me for a long second, and then down at her food. Like most of the porno chicks I’ve had dinner with, she really didn’t eat a thing. “Hey, what are these little green thingys in my food?”

“Those are called capers.”

“Well, I don’t like them. Capers ruined my meal.”

Posted by: pumphog74

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/03/07 04:48 PM


This was all discussed in February

If she is talking about Chris Fox, then here is what she told Billy Watson about him:

I Shoot Porn


At dinner she told me about her boyfriend. She found him on myspace, and she searched specifically for dudes in her area that made more that 250K a year. I had no idea myspace offered such a wonderful service as allowing a user to find their ideal mate by an income tax bracket, but appearently they do. Bree found one man in her small, midwestern town that fit the bill, and sure enough they’re dating, and sure enough he’s fallen in love, and sure enough she’s ready for more, and sure enough when she’s done with school she’ll divorce him, and take 1/2 of his stuff, cause that’s her plan.

She didn’t mince words, either.

“Why would you do that to him, Bree?”

“Cause I want nice things while I’m in school. Like a Mercedes.”

“What kind of Mercedes?”

“Oh, any kind. I don’t care.”

“How about you live in a dorm room and have a roomie and eat Top Ramen and be poor and enjoy your time being a young starving student so you’ll enjoy things even more when you earn them, later in life, yourself?”

“You’re a pornographer. You’re no better than me.”

“But I don’t deceive people. I mean you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into when you come spend a day with me. What if this guy walks off a bridge after you divorce him cause he loved you so much? What then? I mean how would you feel?”

“He won’t do that. And if he did I’d go to his funeral with some flowers. Besides, it’s not like it hasn’t happened to him before. He’s already been divorced once.”

“Well, just be honest with him. Tell him you want a Sugar Daddy. If he dumps you, trust me, you’ll find a guy that’ll be happy to be your Sugar Daddy. You know? And then you can live with yourself cause it’s the right thing to do.”

Bree looked at me for a long second, and then down at her food. Like most of the porno chicks I’ve had dinner with, she really didn’t eat a thing. “Hey, what are these little green thingys in my food?”

“Those are called capers.”

“Well, I don’t like them. Capers ruined my meal.”

i thought the first rule of porn was "whores lie" everything bad in her life she deserves if anything in that article is true.
Posted by: Da Burglar

Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/03/07 07:49 PM


“Well, just be honest with him. Tell him you want a Sugar Daddy. If he dumps you, trust me, you’ll find a guy that’ll be happy to be your Sugar Daddy. You know? And then you can live with yourself cause it’s the right thing to do.”

Bree looked at me for a long second, and then down at her food. Like most of the porno chicks I’ve had dinner with, she really didn’t eat a thing. “Hey, what are these little green thingys in my food?”

“Those are called capers.”

“Well, I don’t like them. Capers ruined my meal.”

i thought the first rule of porn was "whores lie" everything bad in her life she deserves if anything in that article is true.

(1) Before I get too wrapped up in words, let me just say "pumphog" is the XPT user name of the week (or month)...for some reason it makes me giggle. Say "Pumphog" ten times fast and see if you are not at least smiling.

(2) This thread is AWESOME, exactly the type of shit we need to talk about more...about just how truly FUCKED UP, bankrupt, bereft, and disgusting PORN and the subculture/way of life it breeds really is. I am amazed at how flippant and seemingly matter of fact these chicks are in talking about aspects of their life that most "civilians" would find truly devestating and traumatic. Take Abortion and how it is discussed above.

First, there should be no surprise that a morally bankrupt, empty shallow bubbleheaded filthy slut like Bree Olsen has had several abortions...she doesnt give a fuck about anything except RIGHT NOW. This second...fuck tomorrow, screw what happened yesterday, "I want this-that-and-the-other thing now, and I want the best. If I have to murder a dozen fetuses in the process, oh well. What's that you say? I was a fetus once too? So what? I dont care...I wasnt aborted because mother nature knew I was going to be born as a beautiful hott sex bomb who gives men pleasure so I was spared. The fetuses I aborted were going to interfere with my partying and ability to do and buy what I want, and to get any sugar daddy I want since they are turned off by kids, so I had to get rid of them. Too bad if you cant deal with that, it is my life!"

I guarantee that is the reasoning at heart here...if you read her words, and typically the words of all young, dumb, selfish chicks who abort after getting knocked up, it is all about ME ME ME and how hard the baby would be on me. Of course they cant let it go to term and give it up for adoption cuz that would ruin their figure and they would, again, be unable to attract the wealthy, lonely, pathetic sugar daddy to fleece.

Thanks to Mia for bringing this up again, regardless of when Bree actually wrote or posted this shit. Oh wait a second, Mia aborted too....hmmm, damn. How much meth would you have had to do to take the weight off of what you would have gained during the pregnancy if you had let it go to term then given it up for adoption? Actually, a better question is could you have laid off the Meth for 9 months?

Then again, I am pissed at myself for even letting this bother me this much...fucking selfish, SELFISH idiotic whores. Why the fuck should I care?

<burg gets second wind....>

I'll fucking tell you why!!!! Because I have lived this bullshit! Seeing attractive, but not quite gorgeous chicks, like your typical young porn stars like Bree, or even Mia, express NO INTEREST IN ME, or even TALK to me....UNTIL they find that I actually have "Stuff". Then it is even more hillarious and pathetic as they attempt to get their hooks in me. 10+ years I have dealt with and dodged these whores with hearts of (i.e. set upon) gold...

Get a fucking real job you shallow lazy ass cunts.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/03/07 08:02 PM

let's see... ..."pumphog, pumphog, pumphog..." "pumphog, pumphog"... "pumphog, pumphog..." "pumphog" "pumphog, ..." "pumphog" "pumphog" . goddamn, daburglar, dear, you're right.
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/03/07 08:11 PM

Burg, you need to stop seeing these girls as people, and start seeing them as the carbon equivelent of a sportscar. My car wouldn't have anything to do with me but for my wallet either. I've put more girls through school than Sallie Mae!

Posted by: Holly Randall

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/03/07 09:33 PM

What's funny about the whole "Sugar Daddy" thing is that I'm the exact opposite-- for some reason I always date men who are really broke. I love the whole starving artist personae. But I think I date them for an equally fucked up reason-- I like men who need to be taken care of. I'm always attracted to guys who have the "wounded bird syndrome"; it's like they are my little projects to work on. I think it's so that they can provide enough of a distraction so that I don't have to focus on myself and my issues. Plus then I feel needed, and I suppose that deep down that assures me they will never leave me.

Like how I've made this topic about me? Seriously though, back on subject-- has anyone here heard of the "Millionares Club"? I guess it's a group where men who net a certain amount of $$ every year can be matched up with beautiful, vapid women who are looking for rich men. Sounds fair to me-- both parties get what they want. I wonder though, how legit it is. Burg, why don't you join and let us know?
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/03/07 10:57 PM


for some reason I always date men who are really broke.

I just deeded my condo to a homeless guy, and gave all my money to the Jesuits.

So...pick you up at eight?
Posted by: pariah

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/03/07 11:28 PM

enjoy ....
Posted by: MiaRoseXXX

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/03/07 11:28 PM

Burg.... Heres a few funny things I have noticed....

You go from apologizing profusely! Right back to this bull shit? Let me get a few things straight, "unlike your twisted fucked up mind"

I have NEVER gotten knocked up. Because I have ALWAYS been responsible and haver taken birth control. I am not against abortion. But I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control.... So sit on that and rotate. Stop talking shit unless YOU HAVE PROOF OF ANYTHING because not everyone is bright enough to know to know your a shit sales man, and thats how rumors start. Stop being a little girl in high school.
Posted by: Ozzie

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 01:29 AM

Creampies turn me on. Whenever I see a whore taking a load in the cunt I can just imagine the sperms fertilizing the egg. Fucken A
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 04:01 AM


Burg.... Heres a few funny things I have noticed....

You go from apologizing profusely! Right back to this bull shit? Let me get a few things straight, "unlike your twisted fucked up mind"

I have NEVER gotten knocked up. Because I have ALWAYS been responsible and haver taken birth control. I am not against abortion. But I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control.... So sit on that and rotate. Stop talking shit unless YOU HAVE PROOF OF ANYTHING because not everyone is bright enough to know to know your a shit sales man, and thats how rumors start. Stop being a little girl in high school.

wait, i thought in the bree olson preggo thread you SAID you were pregnant and had had an abortion? that's what i thought burg was talking about.
Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 06:12 AM



Burg.... Heres a few funny things I have noticed....

You go from apologizing profusely! Right back to this bull shit? Let me get a few things straight, "unlike your twisted fucked up mind"

I have NEVER gotten knocked up. Because I have ALWAYS been responsible and haver taken birth control. I am not against abortion. But I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control.... So sit on that and rotate. Stop talking shit unless YOU HAVE PROOF OF ANYTHING because not everyone is bright enough to know to know your a shit sales man, and thats how rumors start. Stop being a little girl in high school.

wait, i thought in the bree olson preggo thread you SAID you were pregnant and had had an abortion? that's what i thought burg was talking about.

Thank you GiGi my dear! What a GOOD LITTLE GIRL! ... you hit the pipe right on the, um, ooo, wait....oh poop you know what i mean.

Anyway, take a memo GG:

To: Mia Rose
From: The Shit Salesman
Subject: What comes out of YOUR OWN mouth

I apologized profusely about the talk of your supposed drug use (specifically that drug that makes you feel so fucking good, that makes you all warm and happy and enthused and horny and thus able to take creep dick into your womb apartMeth)...I apologized because I was told you were really hurt by what I said, even though I was simply repeating what I had heard from a reliable source with NO motivation to LIE about you, and with a LOT of motivation to want the best for you. That was then and on THAT issue.

Now, today, out of the blue, you start off (quite well at first) ragging on another brainless selfish self-centered twat Bree Olsen. You aptly called her out on the whole ABortion deal Mia, and that was good, but then you went a few "har hars" too far and let slip about your own abortion tribulations. Read:

Mia Rose Said (and then Forgot):

PS! I am a firm fuckin believer in the once every three months shot. IT IS THE BEST FOR PORN GIRLS... We cant fucking remember the pill... I cant count the times I heard "Oh fuck... " from my friends... I also remember me saying the the same words cause I was knocked up... " OH FUCK YES! FUCK YEA! FUCK IT NEWB!"

Whats the deal? Why did you say you were "knocked up"?/??? Did you in fact have the baby? If you did I will apologize right here and now in front of everyone. If not then this is just another example of what happens when you let the Meth do the talking at the keyboard I guess???

And, Mia, are FOOLING no one. Read, then re-read your statement above that I quoted, especially the last "Fuck yeahs!" etc etc. Who/what are they for??

ANd just so you kow Mia, I think you are totally Hott, and beautiful (on the outside). SInce that is all you seem to care about in terms of yourself and others, I just wanted to at least give you that much and reassure you so that you dont think this is another case of your much hotter sister winning out. But I will say Ava has something on the inside that you dont seem to have, and frankly, that is sad. Cuz you dont have to be that way....
Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 07:10 AM


What's funny about the whole "Sugar Daddy" thing is that I'm the exact opposite-- for some reason I always date men who are really broke. I love the whole starving artist personae. But I think I date them for an equally fucked up reason-- I like men who need to be taken care of. I'm always attracted to guys who have the "wounded bird syndrome"; it's like they are my little projects to work on. I think it's so that they can provide enough of a distraction so that I don't have to focus on myself and my issues. Plus then I feel needed, and I suppose that deep down that assures me they will never leave me.

Like how I've made this topic about me? Seriously though, back on subject-- has anyone here heard of the "Millionares Club"? I guess it's a group where men who net a certain amount of $$ every year can be matched up with beautiful, vapid women who are looking for rich men. Sounds fair to me-- both parties get what they want. I wonder though, how legit it is. Burg, why don't you join and let us know?

Ooohhhh!!! I give up!

Holly is "lucy with the football" and I am Charlie Brown trying so very hard to kick it. In this latest example, Holly/Lucy Yanks the football out of my way at the last second by telling (basically) that because I am not a pauper, I have a snowball's chance of ever holding her hand while reading Alice In Wonderland in a cozy Peet's Coffee house. Or me ever getting the chance to see her enjoying my patented Barbecued Salmon and Lamb Chops, topped off with me spoon feeding her pumpkin mousse I made myself.

And to think Luke was able to not only be with Holly, but she even wore his undergarments in a semi-public pool.

I am having a crisis of self confidence and Identity. Why o why wont Holly Randall love me? She is way too intelligent to let a stupid wheelchair get in the way, right? I mean, she knows that once "you have a man on four wheels, you never go back!" Right???

I can be a wounded bird for christ sakes!!! "tweet tweet...OW! Tweet... Ow! Tweet Tweet....Fuckin' OW!"

Holly is sooooo above average.....
Posted by: JRV

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 08:11 AM


I like men who need to be taken care of.

The "mothering" instinct - it's been obvious for a while to anyone who wondered what you saw in Luke in the first place.

Now we just need you to confess your fantasies for fat balding older guys
Posted by: The Ghost Is Toast

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 08:15 AM



What's funny about the whole "Sugar Daddy" thing is that I'm the exact opposite-- for some reason I always date men who are really broke. I love the whole starving artist personae. But I think I date them for an equally fucked up reason-- I like men who need to be taken care of. I'm always attracted to guys who have the "wounded bird syndrome"; it's like they are my little projects to work on. I think it's so that they can provide enough of a distraction so that I don't have to focus on myself and my issues. Plus then I feel needed, and I suppose that deep down that assures me they will never leave me.

Like how I've made this topic about me? Seriously though, back on subject-- has anyone here heard of the "Millionares Club"? I guess it's a group where men who net a certain amount of $$ every year can be matched up with beautiful, vapid women who are looking for rich men. Sounds fair to me-- both parties get what they want. I wonder though, how legit it is. Burg, why don't you join and let us know?

Ooohhhh!!! I give up!

Holly is "lucy with the football" and I am Charlie Brown trying so very hard to kick it. In this latest example, Holly/Lucy Yanks the football out of my way at the last second by telling (basically) that because I am not a pauper, I have a snowball's chance of ever holding her hand while reading Alice In Wonderland in a cozy Peet's Coffee house. Or me ever getting the chance to see her enjoying my patented Barbecued Salmon and Lamb Chops, topped off with me spoon feeding her pumpkin mousse I made myself.

And to think Luke was able to not only be with Holly, but she even wore his undergarments in a semi-public pool.

I am having a crisis of self confidence and Identity. Why o why wont Holly Randall love me? She is way too intelligent to let a stupid wheelchair get in the way, right? I mean, she knows that once "you have a man on four wheels, you never go back!" Right???

I can be a wounded bird for christ sakes!!! "tweet tweet...OW! Tweet... Ow! Tweet Tweet....Fuckin' OW!"

Holly is sooooo above average.....

'It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter Heaven (AKA Holly Randall's vagina)'

Just another example of the notorious 'Da Burglar Code' hidden within the Bible, no doubt...

Posted by: pumphog74

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 10:16 AM


let's see... ..."pumphog, pumphog, pumphog..." "pumphog, pumphog"... "pumphog, pumphog..." "pumphog" "pumphog, ..." "pumphog" "pumphog" . goddamn, daburglar, dear, you're right.

i'm honored
Posted by: MiaRoseXXX

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 10:30 AM

Ok.. I am going to take FULL responsibility for that HUGE HUGE fuck up type-o. I was trying to give a example of what they would say when they found out and what I would say when I was bone-in down.... Huge huge fuck up on my part. So yes Burg, Your right, I am fucked up for saying that. Although it doesn't compare to HALF the twisted shit you have spat from your mouth over the last few months. Again, I'm sorry.
I have never been pregnant. I have always been on Birth control. Ever since I started having sex.. Gigi, where are you talking about does it say that?
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 11:49 AM


Gigi, where are you talking about does it say that?

this is what i was referring to...:

PS! I am a firm fuckin believer in the once every three months shot. IT IS THE BEST FOR PORN GIRLS... We cant fucking remember the pill... I cant count the times I heard "Oh fuck... " from my friends... I also remember me saying the the same words cause I was knocked up... " OH FUCK YES! FUCK YEA! FUCK IT NEWB!"

Posted by: MiaRoseXXX

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 12:12 PM

Ok... re-reading it AGAIN. It was little type-o...... I meant CAUSE I WASN"T KNOCKED UP ..... Not cause I was.....


I also remember me saying the the same words cause I was knocked up... " OH FUCK YES! FUCK YEA! FUCK IT NEWB!"

Posted by: MiaRoseXXX

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 02:27 PM

oh go figure... right when its not juicy bad news, no one responds... pfft... "Don't fucking PFFT me!"
Posted by: MoronBoy

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 02:31 PM

Damn, I was hoping for a big "she has a kid, no she doesn't, well she had an abortion, no she didn't, well whores lie and so on and so forth" big drama-fest to liven up the board a little bit.


BTW: does anybody elses computer take for-freakin'-ever to load Mia's little avatar thingy?
Posted by: Conky

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 02:32 PM

I had nothing to add to this thread other than a request for another ass shot, Mia.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 02:37 PM


BTW: does anybody elses computer take for-freakin'-ever to load Mia's little avatar thingy?

yes, but it's worth the wait
Posted by: Conky

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 03:26 PM


Damn, I was hoping for a big "she has a kid, no she doesn't, well she had an abortion, no she didn't, well whores lie and so on and so forth" big drama-fest to liven up the board a little bit.


And we could have had another 'her ass smells real bad' thread out of it too. Damn these whores for letting us all down.

Still, an angry Mia is
Posted by: Father Stone

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/04/07 08:46 PM


gave all my money to the Jesuits.

It's appreciated my friend!
Posted by: Dick Dastardly

Re: Bree Olsen Pregnancy "Nightmare" - 05/05/07 06:04 PM


According to Gene Ross over at, Bree Olsen has a lot more to worry about than trying to charge producers a fortune

This was rehashed in a different, non-topical thread on XPT. However Moxie, it was in January approximately the same time as the AVN's.

She stated on another forum that she wasn't pregnant. "Whores Lie", time will tell. Only a coathanger will know otherwise.


"Let see your gaping ass hole" As my dear friend Jack SHIT would say.

Please dear, not at the dinner table. I'm not a huge fan of gaping assholes, to be honest though. And it's schitt, Jack Schitt. It's admirable hearing that you killed off another potential Einstein as well, but it kind of comes off as an "Hey fuckers, I did it, too!" just to gain some press from the likes of us degenerates. Regardless, you look hot as fuck even if an anti-MILF.

As it relates to Mia's comments, she's kind of right. You have to give Bree props early on, because she wanted to be honest. But being a whore that does anal, as well as fucking random black dudes isn't something to go trying to tell people, "hey, look, I'm Bree and this is ME. The rest is all an act. I'm not really a dumb whore. Really, it's just an act."

Most whores just lie through their meeth, and we admire them for it.

Moxie, Chris Caine (of Foxxx Modeling) is her agent/pimp. The guy she was talking about was the rich douche-bag type that she yearns for, and he wound up fucking around on her as I recall. The blog you posted, in addition to the escort ad posted in another thread, shows that she's just another money-grubbing whore with no appreciation for REAL work & it's rewards. My take on the final comments from Billy W. is that he made her think about the consequences of being such a selfish cunt.

If that were true whatsoever, it's totally reassuring to know that some whores have a minute presence of conscience.


Get a fucking real job you shallow lazy ass cunts.

Burg, this was my favorite part of that whole novel...

...but remember, spreading your legs is SOOOO much easier! And, for many, it's the ONLY thing they're good at.

Holly, that's uber admirable dear. Very cool, indeed.


wait, i thought in the bree olson preggo thread you SAID you were pregnant and had had an abortion? that's what i thought burg was talking about.


But you gotta admit, but I'll leave on this note. Bree's holstered tits look great in this shot .
Posted by: Holly Randall

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/05/07 11:01 PM


Holly is "lucy with the football" and I am Charlie Brown trying so very hard to kick it. In this latest example, Holly/Lucy Yanks the football out of my way at the last second by telling (basically) that because I am not a pauper, I have a snowball's chance of ever holding her hand while reading Alice In Wonderland in a cozy Peet's Coffee house. Or me ever getting the chance to see her enjoying my patented Barbecued Salmon and Lamb Chops, topped off with me spoon feeding her pumpkin mousse I made myself.

Yeah the money won't get me, but hte pumpkin mousee just might. I've never had that before.
Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Porn Chicks + Abortion = Murder - 05/06/07 01:01 AM


Yeah the money won't get me, but hte pumpkin mousee just might. I've never had that before.

*gasp* <da burg to himself>: HOLY SHIT, who would have thought??? Pumpkin Mousse is the key to Holly's Heart.