Fatman = Idiot

Posted by: Ivor Biggun

Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 06:34 PM

Why is he still around?

Don't get me wrong, though I find him incredibly irritating, I wouldn't consider that justification for a ban. But this dude is unashamedly promoting piracy on a board that is funded by porn money. There's really no excuse, with more than enough "preview" free porn around, and the industry over-producing to the extent that sites can license a DVD for $300 and charge as little as $10 a month for unlimited access. For the technically adept, there are still huge opportunities for piracy, but to boast about them on a porn producer's board is stupidity deserving of banishment.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 06:43 PM

He can't seem to help himself he just spews whats ever on his mind. It's no wonder he's fat and alone.
Posted by: zenman

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 06:44 PM

I've spoken with him about file sharing and he's promised not to mention it any more.
Posted by: Ivor Biggun

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 06:52 PM


I've spoken with him about file sharing and he's promised not to mention it any more.

Damn you Zenman, for diplomatically resolving the one excuse we could have used to dispose of him.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 06:56 PM


I've spoken with him about file sharing and he's promised not to mention it any more.

Okay, so we have a guy on here who has admitted to stealing over a terabyte of porn on an old machine, and has announced his plans to steal another terabyte on his new machine, and as long as he doesn't mention rapidshare everything's cool?

How about this- I decapitated your mother and fucked the stump, but I won't talk about it, cool?
Posted by: J.B.

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:06 PM


I decapitated your mother and fucked the stump, but I won't talk about it, cool?

Always with the smooth talk, eh, Bornyo?
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:13 PM


over a terabyte of porn

Simply possessing, legally or not, one terabyte of porn concerns me enough I will not travel east of the Appalachian Mountains unless absolutely necessary. Is there even one terabyte of watchable porn out there?

Maybe he could hook up with the IA people in San Fran, they are developing a machine that will hold one petabyte (1,000 terabytes) of data.

Posted by: Ivor Biggun

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:17 PM


Okay, so we have a guy on here who has admitted to stealing over a terabyte of porn on an old machine, and has announced his plans to steal another terabyte on his new machine, and as long as he doesn't mention rapidshare everything's cool?

Just to put this in perspective, it would take about 150 uncompressed DVDs to reach this number (assuming about 6.6 GB per DVD, which is erring on the low side). If compressed using Xvid or simliar, this could be more than 1000 full-length movies.
Posted by: anthropophobiac

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:23 PM

In other words:
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:35 PM

i expect this thread to end up over 20k words by the time the smoke clears.
Posted by: Ivor Biggun

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:42 PM


i expect this thread to end up over 20k words by the time the smoke clears.

Time will tell, but I'm doubtful. He doesn't really have a defense to make here, so he'll probably steer clear.
Posted by: zenman

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:46 PM



I've spoken with him about file sharing and he's promised not to mention it any more.

Okay, so we have a guy on here who has admitted to stealing over a terabyte of porn on an old machine, and has announced his plans to steal another terabyte on his new machine, and as long as he doesn't mention rapidshare everything's cool?

How about this- I decapitated your mother and fucked the stump, but I won't talk about it, cool?

I can ban him, but it won't stop him from stealing. I can tell him to shut up about it, which is functionally equivalent to banning as it pertains to file sharing. But the calls for Fatty's head have nothing to do with file sharing, something Tony will have to take up
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:49 PM

Fatman should stay. He's a cautionary tale for all the kids out there. Let the story be heard and proliferate.

Posted by: jamesn

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:52 PM


Fatman should stay. He's a cautionary tale for all the kids out there. Let the story be heard and proliferate.

playing devil's advocate, he's essentially detailed "how to find free porn like I do from these three free sites" for anyone clueless on how to do it themselves.

Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:53 PM

I say we strand Fatman and PAFH on a deserted island and wait for the meth toxicity from PAFH's skin to kill Fatman after he eats him.

2 birds with 1 stone, right?
Posted by: Calvin

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 07:55 PM


There's really no excuse, with more than enough "preview" free porn around, and the industry over-producing to the extent that sites can license a DVD for $300 and charge as little as $10 a month for unlimited access.

This is what is ridiculous about the whole thing. For $9.99 a month, or less if you use 3 day "preview" pricing, you can jump around forever, especially if you have all day with nothing to do but right-click, "Save Target As..." (which he apparently does).
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 08:06 PM



Fatman should stay. He's a cautionary tale for all the kids out there. Let the story be heard and proliferate.

playing devil's advocate, he's essentially detailed "how to find free porn like I do from these three free sites" for anyone clueless on how to do it themselves.

Are you telling me there are people out there that don't know how to get free porn?

As an aside, for him to use rapidshare to the extent that he does I believe it requires payment. I could be wrong, but to d/l that much stuff using their free method would take forever.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 08:11 PM

sure there are, there's a difference between "free porn" and "free porn". free clips or shitty hit/miss stuff vs. surgically being able to find complete and high quality copies of a dvd. out of a few thousand readers, i'm sure some of them might be inclined to check out the "free porn" thing if given some direction.
Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 08:20 PM



I've spoken with him about file sharing and he's promised not to mention it any more.

Okay, so we have a guy on here who has admitted to stealing over a terabyte of porn on an old machine, and has announced his plans to steal another terabyte on his new machine, and as long as he doesn't mention rapidshare everything's cool?

How about this- I decapitated your mother and fucked the stump, but I won't talk about it, cool?

Fuck it.....who wants some sure fire tax cheating tips? How about some stock insider trading stories? I am also a chronic mattress tag ripper-offer, you know the ones that say "Not to be removed under penalty of Federal Law blah blah blah, punishable by a fine of $5000 and 3 years cleaning up oil spills and washing off seagulls..."

"Don’t go to bed, with no price on your head - No, no, don’t do it.
Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time - Yeah, don’t do it.
And keep your eye on the sparrow.
When the going gets narrow.

Don’t do it, don’t do it.
Where can I go where the cold winds don’t blow,
Now. Well, well, well."

Posted by: Willie D

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 09:41 PM

I don't recall him every having posted instructions on how to accomplish this porn theft. There are enough people who like some of his stuff to not axe him. True, he does need to learn brevity and where to pick his spots. I just can't get over having two terabytes of porn, when would you ever find time to watch it.

The solution is to find a cheap source to download, or to trade with other people. The traders always want something in return, so you have to buy a stock of tradeable material. Golden Age afficionados do a lot of this. If you want more recent smut, subscribe to www.videobox.com. They just lowered their price to $9.95 for access to 2400 titles. If you can't afford that scratch...
Posted by: Gunker

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 09:50 PM

Compulsive hoarding
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compulsive hoarding (or pathological hoarding) is a term which is used to describe extreme hoarding behaviour in humans. It involves the collection or failure to discard large numbers of objects even when their storage causes significant clutter and impairment to basic living activities such as moving around the house, cooking, cleaning or sleeping. Hoarding rubbish may be referred to as syllogomania.

While there is no definition of compulsive hoarding in accepted diagnostic criteria (such as the current DSM), Frost and Hartl (1996) provide the following defining features:[1]

the acquisition of, and failure to discard, a large number of possessions that appear to be useless or of limited value
living spaces sufficiently cluttered so as to preclude activities for which those spaces were designed
significant distress or impairment in functioning caused by the hoarding
Posted by: Soopergrizz

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 10:25 PM


I say we strand Fatman and PAFH on a deserted island and wait for the meth toxicity from PAFH's skin to kill Fatman after he eats him.

2 birds with 1 stone, right?

ZING. New sig line
Posted by: weeeee

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 10:52 PM

In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.
Posted by: big moose

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 11:24 PM


There are enough people who like some of his stuff to not axe him.

it has very little to do with what is morally anything, if it makes you feel any better. the only real unforgivable sin here, as far as i can tell, is unpopularity. this place is very pure and honest, in that way. fatman got in real trouble when ms. jordan labelled him a "crisco huffing pig".

die, fatty, die.
Posted by: Calvin

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 11:37 PM


In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.

I think the difference is that a lot of people here make a living off of selling porn. If Fatman was stealing music, or robbing banks, or plagarizing dissertations, or taking a dump into a ziplock bag and selling it under someone else's name, there would not be a peep of outrage.
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/08/07 11:40 PM


it has very little to do with what is morally anything, if it makes you feel any better. the only real unforgivable sin here, as far as i can tell, is unpopularity. this place is very pure and honest, in that way. fatman got in real trouble when ms. jordan labelled him a "crisco huffing pig".

Yes, but I'm not down with piracy either.
Posted by: Uomo Grassissimo!!

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 12:07 AM

You're slightly off.


I'm sorry I posted it. Certainly the mods can delete anything they feel leads people to the files, but knowing the file download sites doesn't get you anything.

I'm going to remove any reference I made. But, if the mods deem it appropriate to remove, they'll have to catch any place it was quoted.

I apologize to Jeff and everyone at JM Productions for even the possibility that my posts led to your copyrights being infringed upon. Certainly my posts on this site should not be a platform for undermining your business.

My offer to Zen to forward information on any links I see to PM site properties is sincere. Let me know if you wish to avail yourself of this offer.

To All Who Care to Read On:

Truly I did not realize it was such an issue. I didn't even think there would be any negative response. I'm not at all kidding. I was honestly excited to relate what I worked hard to find.

How could I think this?

Before I got here very few lincs were killed for copyright violation. Very few. Most expire. Many of the others are taken down by other posters competing for points or just in their own petty "cage"-like wars.

A great deal are caught by the file sites themselves by capturing the referral page of known porn post sites. Several "ban" porn ... though it is likely a great deal of their business. IMO the practice "hiding" of the post info has more to do with tricking the file storers than anything with copyright.

In my experience, the only ones who consistantly bumped posts that I have seen are GGW and the Cameron Diaz s/m clip. My own posts on these never lasted more than a day.

Since no one is bothering to complain about it - let alone stop it - I regarded such downloads as like those of Napster or MP3.com.

Here at XPT? Nothing about it. I've read every entry since some time in November. You guys can gripe about every little thing in the industry. On this, dead silence. [On retrospect, perhaps with damn good reason.]

No one seems to care about using copyrighted pictures. Recently when I brought up a pic that was posted from Fox Mag, Charlie effectively said, "scan away".

We link to sites where people clip out the "key" parts of scenes and post compilations of copyright works.

Though I never thought it was something to be congratulated for, I took it as accepted practice. No more serious than web board slander. Obviously I was profoundly wrong.

And, to those who have buried me for this, if you never used Napster [which I never did], paid for your copy of MicroSoft Office [which I have], registered and paid for all the shareware like WinZip promptly when the 30 day free trial expired, cast another stone. From you I deserve it.

Porn producers should band together - unlikely - to form a kind of MPAA to protect copyright. Get smart devious fucks like me to report the link and offending sites. If the sites are US based, hit the site with demands on the IPs of those posting. You get a big poster, hit with "cease & desist", etc. Just saying ...
Posted by: weeeee

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 12:45 AM


If Fatman was stealing music, or robbing banks, or plagarizing dissertations, or taking a dump into a ziplock bag and selling it under someone else's name, there would not be a peep of outrage.

Exactly my point
Posted by: The Ghost Is Toast

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 02:25 AM




Fatman should stay. He's a cautionary tale for all the kids out there. Let the story be heard and proliferate.

playing devil's advocate, he's essentially detailed "how to find free porn like I do from these three free sites" for anyone clueless on how to do it themselves.

Are you telling me there are people out there that don't know how to get free porn?

As an aside, for him to use rapidshare to the extent that he does I believe it requires payment. I could be wrong, but to d/l that much stuff using their free method would take forever.

There are ways to circumvent Rapidshare's download limits for free accounts, which might actually be a good thing...hopefully they'll go out of business if no-one is paying to use their site?

At the end of the day, the people that need to be got at are the uploaders themselves. I can fully understand why people download porn for free...because it's FREE. But why the fuck do people upload it?

I look at a couple of forums where piracy is rife and affecting a particular niche segment of my business, and it's full of sad little fucktards uploading stuff so other posters will chime in with a 'You Da Man!' or 'Good lookin' out!'...it seems to be their only avenue in life by which they might find themselves some form of self-worth or validation.

It's also as funny as fuck to see said uploaders throw a hissy fit when nobody leaves them any comments or praise for all of their hard 'work', or complain about 'leeches'. Funny in a sad way.
Posted by: Uomo Grassissimo!!

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 03:44 AM

I paid RS.

While many do upload for the "celebrity" as Dan noted, most load for the points. 10k in points in a free 30days. An RS a point is earned whenever a person downloads "your" file as a "free" user.

On the hoarding: Obviously. In my case it doesn't impact any "space" issue where I live. I have a 3-bedroom apartment. One room solely has "treasure" packed floor to ceiling. Anything small worth like more that $250 is in my safe-deposit boxes "collection".

The place is a mess because I'm lazy and I am often immobile from depression. MOSTLY cause I'm lazy and don't see any benefit to neatness at this time. Messy but not dirty. There is never anything left on the plate for a bug to eat. And, the cats like to eat bugs - flies, bees, house centipedes, the occasional moth ...

On the valueless items, those would be my files, my writings and my mail [I haven't opened mail since 2002]. Everything else has monetary value.

I-man, not sure where you got 6.6Gb for a DVD. Mine are 4.7Gb, though there are 8.5Gb and 9.4Gb disks I can use. Is that a European standard? I thought it might be a typo, but you used it in your calculation. I can't find anything on this size. The 4.7 # actually makes it "worse".

From when I started tracking them I've done ~1,250 clips/scenes/movies in ~2800 downloads. I'm not a fan of whole movies in today's porn, so it's mostly scenes, mostly "amateur".

This does not include "legal" downloads like from free 3-day passes from "the napster of porn".
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 05:29 AM


I paid RS.

While many do upload for the "celebrity" as Dan noted, most load for the points. 10k in points in a free 30days. An RS a point is earned whenever a person downloads "your" file as a "free" user.

On the hoarding: Obviously. In my case it doesn't impact any "space" issue where I live. I have a 3-bedroom apartment. One room solely has "treasure" packed floor to ceiling. Anything small worth like more that $250 is in my safe-deposit boxes "collection".

The place is a mess because I'm lazy and I am often immobile from depression. MOSTLY cause I'm lazy and don't see any benefit to neatness at this time. Messy but not dirty. There is never anything left on the plate for a bug to eat. And, the cats like to eat bugs - flies, bees, house centipedes, the occasional moth ...

On the valueless items, those would be my files, my writings and my mail [I haven't opened mail since 2002]. Everything else has monetary value.

I-man, not sure where you got 6.6Gb for a DVD. Mine are 4.7Gb, though there are 8.5Gb and 9.4Gb disks I can use. Is that a European standard? I thought it might be a typo, but you used it in your calculation. I can't find anything on this size. The 4.7 # actually makes it "worse".

From when I started tracking them I've done ~1,250 clips/scenes/movies in ~2800 downloads. I'm not a fan of whole movies in today's porn, so it's mostly scenes, mostly "amateur".

This does not include "legal" downloads like from free 3-day passes from "the napster of porn".

Thanks for more of the "How To" info. Now I can start my career as a video pirate too.
Posted by: Dick Head

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 06:30 AM

fatman =
Posted by: Uomo Grassissimo!!

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 07:40 AM


I paid RS.

Just to clarify, I was just answering Calvin's query. This was in no way meant as a statement of "justification".


Thanks for more of the "How To" info. Now I can start my career as a video pirate too.

Where did I tell anyone on the board how to do this? While I can RIGHTFULLY be accused of exposing the idea that such a thing is possible, you can't anything in the above post and download a single file or what to do with the fucking thing afterwards.

If you want to spend 20+ hours over a month helping out the file sharer for the possibility of earning 7 euros - that less than 2 cents an hour. Enjoy the career.

I dropped this issue and make a public apology. As I promised Zen, I'm not going to initiate any conversation on downloading. But, I will reply to clarify an issue, correct inaccurate data or in response to attack.

This thread is keeping the issue alive. I had nothing to do with starting it.

Here's some info to use to direct your anger productively: Go to a page of porn download links. Report them as "porn" to the file sharer. They kill the links. Repeat as needed. You can kill more that 100 times more links in a hour than someone can download. While it won't stop the practice, it can inhibit it. More of you that do it, the worse it gets for pirates.

The files were posted before I found them, and most are likely still out there in one way or another. Removing me for the equation changes nothing. You guys have to find a way to fight this. And, like any other intellectual property protection, that going to take effort, diligence and cash. Not griping.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 07:42 AM


In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.

Posted by: have2cit

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 08:23 AM

It's not about morality. You’re thieving from the people who pay for this board and throwing it into their face. Not only does it make you a thief, it makes you a bona fide prick. I don't really care if you stop downloading or not. What I would like to see is you being force fed Twinkies until you reach critical mass and ignite. Your carcass should burn for a week, sending up great plumes of toxic black smoke like a tire fire. Will it be an ecological disaster for the state of New York? Definitely. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.
Posted by: Vizzle

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 08:28 AM

Let's not get too self-righteous, I seriously doubt that The Fatman is the only one here who pirates things, whether it be porn, mainstream movies, music, or computer programs. The only mistake he made was talking about it a little too much, and in the wrong place.

Posted by: Willie D

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 08:34 AM


i expect this thread to end up over 20k words by the time the smoke clears.

Currently at 5,645, including usernames, quotes, signatures, etc.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 08:39 AM


Let's not get too self-righteous, I seriously doubt that The Fatman is the only one here who pirates things, whether it be porn, mainstream movies, music, or computer programs. The only mistake he made was talking about it a little too much, and in the wrong place.

Limewire rocks for apps! What Fatman does isn't even a dent in the bottom line of this zillion dollar industry though I agree it's best to keep your trap shut about things like that.
Posted by: Vizzle

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 08:46 AM



Let's not get too self-righteous, I seriously doubt that The Fatman is the only one here who pirates things, whether it be porn, mainstream movies, music, or computer programs. The only mistake he made was talking about it a little too much, and in the wrong place.

Limewire rocks for apps! What Fatman does isn't even a dent in the bottom line of this zillion dollar industry though I agree it's best to keep your trap shut about things like that.

Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 09:02 AM


In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.

Because fatman sends you his dirty money for your soiled panties makes your thoughts on this subject meaningless. You are just working this "John" so he sends you more of his $$$$$, whore!
Posted by: Vizzle

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 09:05 AM



In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.

Because fatman sends you his dirty money for your soiled panties makes your thoughts on this subject meaningless. You are just working this "John" so he sends you more of his $$$$$, whore!

Lol!! +2
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 09:43 AM

I miss Fatty He likes bunnies and one time he bought me a pair of shoes just for being me


In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.

Because fatman sends you his dirty money for your soiled panties makes your thoughts on this subject meaningless. You are just working this "John" so he sends you more of his $$$$$, whore!

Posted by: Uomo Grassissimo!!

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 11:50 AM


You’re thieving from the people who pay for this board and throwing it into their face. Not only does it make you a thief, it makes you a bona fide prick.

If that's what I thought I was doing, I wouldn't have done it. Why would I? Have I ever even had a cross word with Jeff or Tony? [the only 2 I know are JM besides Ms. Blue who rarely posted]. What axe did I have to grind?? Are you saying I woke up just decided to dry rape Jeff up the ass?

Should I have known better? Yeah. But, I never had any intent to do harm. Maybe that only matters to me, but I think that matters. Does it wash the slate clean? No fucking way. But it's the difference between my being a prick and a schmuck. Same "family", different degree of bad.

H2C, what did I steal from Jeff? To my knowledge I have nothing with his copyright - though in fairness that is not because of my scruples but chance genre preference. I make this claim after looking thru the items for sale, my knowledge of his style of product and this list from IAFD which I know is likely incomplete. Jeff has a very interesting niche, but it's not to my taste. So don't say I stole from him.

In retrospect, did I basically tell people there's an unlocked open window in the back of the JM house? Yeah, I did and that was foolish and reckless of me.

Upon reviewing the files I gathered, the person I need to apologize to for stealing is Holly Randall. I had 7 scenes from various "Suze" productions which are now deleted.

Sorry, Holly.


Will it be an ecological disaster for the state of New York? Definitely. Will it be worth it? Absolutely.

While I am likely closer to the Empire State Building than Central Park is, I live in NJ. If the wind is blowing in from the northeast as it does in many storms, I doubt NY would get touched or NJ would even notice.
Posted by: Conky

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 12:34 PM

I PM'd the Fatman about his download threads the other day, and he knows my position on it. As someone in the industry and therefore with a vested interest, I hate peer-to-peer sites, bit torrent etc. But I'm also not so naive as to believe that porn piracy will ever be stamped out.

Promoting it on a forum paid for by Jeff is, however, naive. I don't condone it and I believe the Fatman is genuinely sorry for revealing his addiction to the board. At the same time, I like a lot of his posts (except the ones where he really goes on), and I think that we should also bear in mind his mental health, medication etc. before suddenly reaching for the tar and feathers.

Banning him or taking extreme action would make us no different to the mods at ADT who get riled when people don't buy their DVDs via their recommended sources.
Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 12:41 PM


I think that we should also bear in mind his mental health, medication etc. before suddenly reaching for the tar and feathers.

That's a bullshit copout. He divulged info on his "disabilities", and continues to complain and make excuses. We all have problems, but I sure as hell don't go on about mine here. Have you not noticed this boards tendency to go after the weak and simple-minded?
Posted by: Soopergrizz

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 12:44 PM



I think that we should also bear in mind his mental health, medication etc. before suddenly reaching for the tar and feathers.

That's a bullshit copout. He divulged info on his "disabilities", and continues to complain and make excuses. We all have problems, but I sure as hell don't go on about mine here. Have you not noticed this boards tendency to go after the weak and simple-minded?

We keep the bloodlines strong by culling the weak ones from the herd.

Posted by: weeeee

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 12:46 PM



In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.

Because fatman sends you his dirty money for your soiled panties makes your thoughts on this subject meaningless. You are just working this "John" so he sends you more of his $$$$$, whore!

Hahaha, okay whatever Jeff, I love you too. There's an entire thread of people pissing their pants because someone on here is pirating porn and they think that's horrible because you make a living off of porn. I just don't get what the big deal is. This isn't the first person to steal porn and it won't be the last, guess what? You're rich either way.
Posted by: Conky

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 01:07 PM




I think that we should also bear in mind his mental health, medication etc. before suddenly reaching for the tar and feathers.

That's a bullshit copout. He divulged info on his "disabilities", and continues to complain and make excuses. We all have problems, but I sure as hell don't go on about mine here. Have you not noticed this boards tendency to go after the weak and simple-minded?

We keep the bloodlines strong by culling the weak ones from the herd.

Floof, that's the most you've typed in months! Half my family (including my ex) are bi-polar, so I guess I'm used to cutting them slack.

But given the mood of the baord, all I can say is, let me go get my bucket of pitch.

Fatman, I tried, but the public have bayed. They want your blood. All of it.

Is this a penalty box situation, or do y'all just want to gut him in the town square?

Fatty, this situation leaves you only one possible option: Alt ID.

I suggest this be your new avatar, once you've worked out which of his roles I'm referring to.

Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 01:31 PM


What I would like to see is you being force fed Twinkies until you reach critical mass and ignite. Your carcass should burn for a week, sending up great plumes of toxic black smoke like a tire fire.

Thanks for the new sig.
Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 01:36 PM


Fatman, I tried, but the public have bayed. They want your blood. All of it.

Is this a penalty box situation, or do y'all just want to gut him in the town square?

Look man, it's nothing so dramatic or anything that the longer tenured posters haven't seen before. Either the guy makes the adjustment to better fit the board, or he doesn't and gets run. One would assume it can't be that hard to take a hint, but this board has a history of proving that assumption wrong.
Posted by: Conky

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 01:53 PM

You can't say fairer than that, Floof.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 02:00 PM



i expect this thread to end up over 20k words by the time the smoke clears.

Currently at 5,645, including usernames, quotes, signatures, etc.

pushing 8-9k including all that jazz now.

i overshot with 20k, but these things grow legs and the level of interest seems high.
Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 03:19 PM




i expect this thread to end up over 20k words by the time the smoke clears.

Currently at 5,645, including usernames, quotes, signatures, etc.

pushing 8-9k including all that jazz now.

i overshot with 20k, but these things grow legs and the level of interest seems high.

You did not overshoot, just wait. With the typical potpouri of tangents and hijacks, with the subplot of Jeff pissing in Ceara's Jelly jars, and with Mia Rose Photos bouncing around XPT like Valence electrons after a nuclear test, this will surpass 20k.

Posted by: MoronBoy

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 04:53 PM

So, is this an invitation to try to get it past 20K words or no?
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/09/07 05:28 PM

The Fatman livens things up, so let me toss in my two cents worth and suggest that he be given a chance to redeem himself.
Posted by: Abe

Fatty vs. the World - 03/09/07 06:02 PM

This seems like a fair fight by XPT standards ...

Posted by: c62

Re: Fatty vs. the World - 03/09/07 07:05 PM


I've spoken with him about file sharing and he's promised not to mention it any more.

Couldn't you have kicked him in the nuts? Been more entertaining.


In a place where a girl's mental and emotional problems are celebrated for the willingness it gives them to extract themselves from their dignity and forever tainting their future careers and romantic relationships; It never ceases to amaze me what you people find morally wrong.

Gotta go with Ceara on this one. And not because I want to get into her panties... ok, I do, but that's not the point.


Either the guy makes the adjustment to better fit the board, or he doesn't and gets run.

That's my problem with fatty, he's long winded and boring as hell. Fatty needs to step up, or I dig out the lion(s) picture.

old man river, I'm not quoteing that bullshit, lame-ass excuse of a post. Just drop a bunch of "+1" posts on yourself next time to get your post count up.

Posted by: Dane

Re: Fatty vs. the World - 03/10/07 05:07 AM

fatman sucks
Posted by: Ivor Biggun

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/10/07 08:02 AM


Banning him or taking extreme action would make us no different to the mods at ADT who get riled when people don't buy their DVDs via their recommended sources.

I have to disagree. It's one thing to advocate that people spend their money elsewhere, and another thing entirely to suggest they just don't pay for it at all. It's not that piracy is so shocking, it's simply a matter of respect to the proprietors of the venue.

I'm usually the first person to oppose injudicious banning - I even had a long running feud with Willie that started over that very issue. If this were my board, I would tolerate pretty much any opinion, even criticism of my own product, but advocating piracy, no way. That's really shitting on the host's doorstep.

Hat's off to Jeff for his magnanimity, I guess.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/11/07 04:44 PM

Posted by: LouCypher

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/11/07 04:54 PM

Fuck all this banter...
I warned Fatty Mcmanus the day after he returned and stirred the pot.

Life is like hockey.. Give shit-tits a game misconduct and a match penalty XPT style. He was banned from the "other site" for talkin such shit. He's man enough to deal with it and Ceara's monthly income will hardly realize a difference.

Fucken Deal...
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: Fatman = Idiot - 03/11/07 04:55 PM




I think that we should also bear in mind his mental health, medication etc. before suddenly reaching for the tar and feathers.

That's a bullshit copout. He divulged info on his "disabilities", and continues to complain and make excuses. We all have problems, but I sure as hell don't go on about mine here. Have you not noticed this boards tendency to go after the weak and simple-minded?

We keep the bloodlines strong by culling the weak ones from the herd.

300 ?