Just For The Record...Here's My Take on Gen Padova

Posted by: The Outsider

Just For The Record...Here's My Take on Gen Padova - 01/18/04 12:04 AM

Since she writes such wonderful replies to me, I think I should devote a thread entirely to the lovely Gen Padova.

Some of you, maybe including her, have inferred that I might be 'stalking' Gen, or worse, might hate Gen.

Nothing could be further from the Truth.

I happen to think Gen Padova is a wonderful person.

Just because we tend to vehemently disagree about some issues doesn't mean I don't think she's smart, pretty, and interesting.

I think Gen's great.

I love debating with her, and I think she's a very formidable opponent.

The only time I lost respect for her was when she decided to post my email address. Yeah, that was below the belt.

But aside from that one lapse into stupidity, I have a lot of love for Gen.

So all you folks wanting to see a fight can just sit down.

The most Gen Padova has to fear from The Outsider is a few heated words, and maybe, some day...

...a good debate over a cup of coffee.

I hope that clears things up.

Thus far, on this board, I've been called a 'psychopath', a 'sociopath', and a 'lunatic'. I think Gen has even called me these names in the subject of a thread.

That's okay. I forgive you, Gen.

I guess the dry wit doesn't show through sometimes. If that's true, I guess I need to work on my presentation.

Does it piss all of you off when I call you simpletons and berate you for robitically supporting a system that condones the unpardonable act of bestowing horrific STD's on direct-from-high-school-newbie-porn-girls who are really, really angry at their parents?

Yeah, I guess that probably makes you mad.

But that doesn't mean I don't like you, and want to come burn down your homes.

In fact, I'm pretty damn funny in person, and you wouldn't have any idea at all that I'm angry.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is this:

I can be just as funny as Scott Fayner...

...difference is, I don't think there's a lot to be funny about right now.

To wrap up this little diversion, I'd just to reiterate that I think Gen Padova is a wonderful person, and I really happen to love debating her.

I am not stalking her, and I am not a lunatic.

However, I will tell you this:

The video camera I've installed in her shower gets fogged up all the time, and it's really pissing me off.

If anyone can wipe off that Finesse bottle that has a little black dot in the middle of it, I'd be really happy.

Right now, all I can get a clear view of is her left ankle, with soap running down it, and it doesn't get me off.

The Outsider