Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Scott.

Posted by: Keen_thinker

Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Scott. - 11/21/06 05:29 PM

Hello folks, nice site also my first post.


I have an issue, concerning Brooke Scott's performance on the “BB" website. It's this guy called 'Maxx that has now replaced Ramon I assume. Of course given it's the popular BB, but in my view tasteless, moral-less, and business lacking online company, I felt once again a naive exploited female got what she deserved for choosing sex over a career and profound life.

I couldn't understand why "Maxx", more or less coming from a pot and '40 once break sexually abused her which allot of male performers do, especially the more stereotypical and urban ones.

Of course, unfairly he was blessed with a large penis. But that doesn't give him or any other male the right, to make a female feel very inferior and uncomfortable during a sexual situation. He made her hurt simply put, which was typical and distrait.

He didn't have to put his whole penis in her, but he did because he wanted to punish her. I don't know why, but I do have a perception.

His performance didn't make it enjoyable, rather very pitied and typical among urban and very stereotypical performers who feel, the whole "white chick and big blk @@@@@", is rejoiced within this generation, rather than saying I won't be apart of a concept, that puts negative emphasis on my skin tone, ethnicity, existence, genitialia, and country.

The sad thing is females like Brooke Scott, will continuously think males that share his skin tone solely, can only be stereotypical and urban with large exploited penises, using Ebonics as America's new official language.

I feel sorry for the guys with darker skin tones who don’t have large penises and who are also not stereotypical, urban, and immoral.

His performance is more than hurting her image, but hurting his image and all those who are the total opposite who are also trapped by his negative exploitation being the dominant.

Shame on BB, for running a tasteless and immoral business that only proves sex sells and you don't have to have intelligence and an education to make money. Porn to me is just like illegal drugs; they both prey on human insecurities and that need for an escape.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Scott. - 11/21/06 05:40 PM

Hey, she's hot. Does she do anal?
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 05:57 PM

Hey king, I think you missed the point to my post. I don't care if she does anal. Sorry, I see the bigger picture rather than lusting and desiring very unstable individuals.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 06:20 PM

Sorry, you wrote too many words for me. I quit after the first sentence then watched the hottie ho in the link. But seriously do you know if she does anal?
Posted by: Dane

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 06:20 PM

does she have a melt down and cry in the scene?
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Scott. - 11/21/06 06:39 PM

Unstable whores contain greater stroke value - Fundamental Law of Porn No. 27
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:07 PM

What about unstable male porn stars that feel treating females like crap, the same they more or less do privately (ask Mr Marcus)? I understand the term whore because it fits the situation of porn, but male stars are also whores. I don't see anything of envy toward male porn stars like 'Maxx, that sexually abuses a female for profit. To me, he is a coward.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:13 PM

Male whores contain NO stroke value - Fundamental Law of Porn No. 2
Posted by: Rico Shades

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:29 PM

Dane...I agree. After reading the post I expected to see the girl getting gang raped or something. Actually it appears as if she doesn't mind. Oh well. To each his own.
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:30 PM

Thanks have2, for taking this so so seriously.

Tell me, do you have a small penis?

Are you disabled thus, cannot have normal healthy relationships with females, if you are straight?

Can you, get it up?

Do you have very unstable emotional difficulties communicating with people?

Do you pay for sex?

Can you have sex?

I'm assuming there is a direct wall in which you must rely so heavenly on pornographic materials. I can tell you why I view such honestly man to man.

So, if you don't have one or all of the above, may I ask why do you rely so heavenly on pornographic materials, that is preventing you from maturely commenting toward one of your peers post?

Posted by: c62

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:32 PM


Thanks have2, for taking this so so seriously.

Tell me, do you have a small penis?

Are you disabled thus, cannot have normal healthy relationships with females, if you are straight?

Can you, get it up?

Do you have very unstable emotional difficulties communicating with people?

Do you pay for sex?

Can you have sex?

I'm assuming there is a direct wall in which you must rely so heavenly on pornographic materials. I can tell you why I view such honestly man to man.

So, if you don't have one or all of the above, may I ask why do you rely so heavenly on pornographic materials, that is preventing you from maturely commenting toward one of your peers post?

I have been waiting a while for a poster to drop something like this on the board...

Posted by: have2cit

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:38 PM

I don't rely heavenly on anything, especally porn. My balls itch though, does that count?
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:39 PM

I have the clip and yes, she does mind because you can actually see it thru her uncomfortable expressions and also, her screaming out in pain. Then as he hears her cries, he pushes in harder and harder like some animal or rapist.

What could she have done, when a bastard production head states, if you don't have your vagina swore and bleeding, you won't get paid? That sentiment allot of females in porn can relate towards I assume.

To each of his own, meaning you find nothing wrong with a guy's large penis, completely in her vagina, knowing that would cause her pain and uncomfort and inferiority.

Yea, to each of his own. Given, your avator I understand you would find nothing wrong with his performance.....

I guess, her having more negative dispositions toward males who share his skin tone is OK by you.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 07:51 PM

Are you saying he is an animal / rapist because he's black? Do you know MPR?
Posted by: Evil Klown

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 08:11 PM

Posted by: Dr. Mordo

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 08:24 PM

Honestly, BB scenes are too weak for my tastes.

There were probly some sig worthy lines in the initial post, though.
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 08:30 PM

No, and if you read completely you would have came toward that conclusion. He used his penis as a tool to deem her inferior and make her hurt.

Part of my post was connecting what I see from stereotypical and urban large penis performers with the negative input it has toward society in how allot of them use elements that exploits all that America doesn't need, given our history toward American differences via race, sex, religion, etc.

When you have very unstettling titles like "White little naive chick with big black and now superior brotha", and "Shanes big black superior and will make little white chicks scream and hurt", it sends the wrong message within the adult industry and within modern society.

To me 'Maxx isn't focused on amending the still racial differences in America; he is about exploiting them. That is one of the reasons why he put his large penis deep into her.

It make females think that all with darker skin acts and lives very unstable, stereotypical, and urban. No individuality, just large penises and Ebonics.

Name me one "African American" performer that doesn't have some kind of exploitation on film?

I understand production heads and talent managers pick out the worst of the worst when casting "brothas", but geesh, Mark Davis, Alex Sanders, Peter North to name a few don't interact as if the whole world owes them something, nor do they use their large penises to strike stereotypical negativity into their co stars.

Nothing is wrong with a little dirty talk. But, when you add other elements it makes for something far more serious.

BTW, you still didn't answer my prior questions.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 08:34 PM

Here. Black chick, white guy. Better?

Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 08:34 PM

Point taken and also very wrong and seriously unstettling. You seriously think a female would agree to that or is it a situation where production heads alter the script and force that or she doesn't get paid.....

That image can mean different situations. It can be re-constructed in different ways.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 08:45 PM

Yes you did, you compared him to an animal / rapist then you went out of your way to point out his color. You must be MPR.
Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 08:46 PM

First things first, Keen. Let us know a little about yourself so that we may be better equipped to assist you on your quest for whatever brings you here.
Please describe your feelings on the following images, all information will be kept strictly public.

OK, good.


Wow, you don't say? Stay with us now.


Yes, we know.


That is all. Please respond. We thank you.

Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 09:05 PM

For someone who avoids rather than maning up, you sure have the wrong perceptions. You see what you will because it's easier to continue and blame.

Yes, I compared him to a rapist because he used his power and superiority over her.

Instead of jerking off when you see an exploited pretty face and behind, listen to the gonzo language before you try to display me as the problem.

I have problems with TT boy, using his large penis and power to inferiorize his female co-workers also.

If you don't see a problem in males like 'Maxx, using qualities that America has combating hard to eliminate, a direct connection in how he should be preceived along with countless others, then your eyes must be blinded.

The difference between the picture with Mya Mason and the scene on BB is the plot, story line, language, and stereotypical direction. I would have issues also if the plot was, " Very big and very white superior slave owning Southern 'Ol boys, making ghetto whores from the hood cotton picking roaches".

You feel that title is extreme? Do a google.com search and just read the negative "interracial" titles there are.

Mya Mason looks stupid for allowing another human being willining, to treat her inhumane. But of course, money is money. I have seen her work and isn't impressed. But that scene didn't have elements in which is setting America back .

You want to still try and make me the enemy here? Man up and share in why you watch porn....
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 09:17 PM


.......Yes, I compared him to a rapist because he used his power and superiority over her.....

Then you pointed out his color, you were insinuating a racist remark. Quit denying it.
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 10:18 PM

Dude, I make my points clear and I don't " insinuated", by using under-tones. Once again you continue to read what you wish. Explain why he had to push his large penis all the way in her, after hearing her cries, and if she felt she wasn't going to get paid, she would have said STOP!

How is that good sexual entertainment?

I sense you go around saying nigga with your pants hanging down while making everyone, including America culpable.

Tell me, what is the real reason why you don't show a concern, rather envy some stereotypical figure that finds exploiting his race and penis superior, because he can?

What do you exploit other than your hand and paper towels?

There is a connection toward society and porn. Just like legit actors saying they don't want to play stereotypical roles any longer, but are the first on line when one comes forth, toward a very unstable female thinking the only job she can have is selling her body, soul, and Americanism like Brooke Scott did to bastard exploit driven industry heads for a small fee....

Dude, I'm threw defending your pointless comments. Challenge me or don't bother. It's ashame you had a difficult time reading words on a screen. Perhaps, you should focus more or reading concepts than naive porn females you envy and desire.

I can see if you look like the guy in "Mask', but geesh, take your hand from below and stop using porn as an escape.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 10:23 PM

Don't try to change the subject away from your blatant racism disguised as porn analysis. You need to ask yourself why you hate black people so. Is it envy?
Posted by: Dr. Mordo

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 10:42 PM

Keen, in all seriousness, you are not gonna convert anyone here. Have you seen the flashing Gag Factor ad on the right of the screen? Do you think those ladies have having more fun the the whore on BB who had to deal with a large black penis? Most of us are here because we like that fucked up shit; we are unrepentant bastards.
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 10:54 PM

You remind me of other forums where bleeding hearts like you, who add to the problem, cry racism rather than reviewing from an opposing disposition.

Now I hate something that is dear to me. Cute....

Reverse Racism once again. You can make a post about 'Krammer, when it applies against you, but fail to notice your own racial unstable-ness because that would make you culpable.

Heaven's forbid someone dares say pull up your pants, stop talking in Ebonics, stop using reverse racism, stop exploiting yourself, race, and country, and also stop believing no work and education is Capitalism 101.

If I was Larry Elders, please type the racial and inhumane insults you want to start with me....Lets see who is the real racist... Isn't it worst when someone with your skin tone dares contradicts and shows concern toward the qualities you embrace?

See what you wish. Continue to live stereotypical and pity folks like Larry Elders and Bill Cosby for believing enough is enough and within this generation males like "Maxx, yourself, etc don't have to put any form of emphasis toward their appearances to be preceived as equal and American.

Given, the image displayed is negative it hurts the cause even more.

Now, please I'm sure Biggie Smalls is calling you to bring him some smokes, a couple of condoms (the dead chicks down the row is hot), and some mix tapes played on an I Pod. Of course a Nano, given where he is... Space is limited you know..
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 10:59 PM

Keen_Thinker = "racial double standard" version of kate? And remember kate is a gay man from Australia named Arthur
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 11:06 PM

I'm not sure what a gag thing is, but hey I understand and relate. I just think "interracial" connections in adult entertainment isn't sending the proper signals. It seems making an union between different skin tones is sickening, refrain, and abusive..

This isn't just about 'Maxx. Its how the mainstream society will continue to view the image of 'Maxx. Adult actresses will continue to believe all with darker skin is of 'Maxx image and couldn't be something they would date and be-friend. It leaves no room for the many out there that are individualist and humane.

Collectives like that dude who believes I am racist, will continue to see racism because it's easier to vision. Its not easy to vision ending all the mess that separates us and yes it also must emulate within the adult industry.

You can get off by reviewing man and woman having healthy sexual acts. I don't see the need in jerking off to big black exploited penis into little white and stupid from Kansas. That type of display and thinking will continue to hurt America along with those that agree and profit from.
Posted by: Dr. Mordo

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 11:14 PM


I just think "interracial" connections in adult entertainment isn't sending the proper signals. It seems making an union between different skin tones is sickening, refrain, and abusive..

Ok. So you start off saying that these videos are bad because they depict black people negatively, but now it comes out that actually you think a "union between different skin tones is sickening, refrain (whatever that means), and abusive". Have2cit nailed it. Racist. You and MPR should start your own message board of racist porn lovers. That way we wouldn't have to hear about it.

BTW, I think there's a thread of Nazi girl pics here somewhere that should be right up your alley.
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 11:44 PM



I just think "interracial" connections in adult entertainment isn't sending the proper signals. It seems making an union between different skin tones is sickening, refrain, and abusive..

Ok. So you start off saying that these videos are bad because they depict black people negatively, but now it comes out that actually you think a "union between different skin tones is sickening, refrain (whatever that means), and abusive". Have2cit nailed it. Racist. You and MPR should start your own message board of racist porn lovers. That way we wouldn't have to hear about it.

BTW, I think there's a thread of Nazi girl pics here somewhere that should be right up your alley.

Stop reading what will justify you referring toward another person in which you fear as racist.


I just think "interracial" connections in adult entertainment isn't sending the proper signals. It seems making an union between different skin tones is sickening, refrain, and abusive..

Firstly, the adult industry isn't sending the proper message that profit over amending still racial differences is ideal.

Secondly, After that first line, I added that the adult industry preceives "interracial" connections as sickening, refrain, and abusive.

I see once again you read what you wanted to.

Those negative perceptions transfers into mainstream America because unfortunately, you have allot of Max's image out there that preceives everyone else as the problem.

Don't read any of my words again. Nazi this and nazi that.. Give me a break. Instead of you commenting on eliminating the still racial difficulties in America, you rather continuously add on toward them by making everyone but yourself and your followers void of cupability.

Go read under-tones that isn't there, else where.
Posted by: Keen_thinker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/21/06 11:48 PM

I want to thank the moderators for not adding in rather allowing free constitutional minds to voice. It means allot given other forums would have used moderators in vain and close off any words that would go against their collective thinking. After reading posts, I figured this forum would allow rather than eliminate.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 12:16 AM

This forum so is in support great justice to formulate thought of idea on racism or no. Other forums haste to thwart but succeed in stop of talk of racism and abuse of stars by means of large penis. Even if intention is not.
Posted by: pariah

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 12:22 AM

Hold the phone! We are not supposed to abuse the whores?


How is that good sexual entertainment?

To you maybe not so much. I think that it must be to someone or they would not be getting 1000 new members a day. I think it all comes down to what makes money. If you give me $50,000.00 (U.S. no coin) I will beat a baby seal to death with a dolphin.
Posted by: steveb

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 01:30 AM


Keen, in all seriousness, you are not gonna convert anyone here. Have you seen the flashing Gag Factor ad on the right of the screen? Do you think those ladies have having more fun the the whore on BB who had to deal with a large black penis? Most of us are here because we like that fucked up shit; we are unrepentant bastards.

I'm not.

I'm here to study the rest of you under the pitiless microscope of your own construction; the posts which reveal openly your deepest pyschosese.

And to look at pics of naked women.

I know I can get those in other places online but I like to dabble in psychiatric theory and THIS place covers two bases.

Posted by: Soopergrizz

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 08:11 AM


Here. Black chick, white guy. Better?

Much better

By the way, I feel more shame in this being my 1000th post then pleasuring myself to the above photo.

Special shout-out to Pariah for the sig line.
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 08:46 AM

Posted by: Vizzle

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 09:12 AM


I'm not sure what a gag thing is, but hey I understand and relate. I just think "interracial" connections in adult entertainment isn't sending the proper signals. It seems making an union between different skin tones is sickening, refrain, and abusive..

This isn't just about 'Maxx. Its how the mainstream society will continue to view the image of 'Maxx. Adult actresses will continue to believe all with darker skin is of 'Maxx image and couldn't be something they would date and be-friend. It leaves no room for the many out there that are individualist and humane.

Collectives like that dude who believes I am racist, will continue to see racism because it's easier to vision. Its not easy to vision ending all the mess that separates us and yes it also must emulate within the adult industry.

You can get off by reviewing man and woman having healthy sexual acts. I don't see the need in jerking off to big black exploited penis into little white and stupid from Kansas. That type of display and thinking will continue to hurt America along with those that agree and profit from.

Dude, you are WAY too concerned with penis size... and if you think that shit is too hardcore or abusive then you're totally on the wrong board.

Go watch Vivid....

Posted by: Conky

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 12:18 PM


Congrats on batting the thou, Soopergrizz.

What an entertaining discourse on racial harmony within the porn industry. And so many shades of MPR that I had to wear my sunglasses while I read it.

Fact: some girls will accept money to be abused on film.
Fact: some of the abusers may be ::whispers:: "African American".
Fact: some men (color not specified) enjoy watching said footage, but would never actually repeat such actions when with their own partner.
Fact: most porn is about fantasy.
Fact: some people don't like watching it.
Fact: last I checked, this was almost a free society where consumers exercised freedom of choice in the market.

If you don't like it, don't watch it.

Without demand there exists no reason for supply. Economics 101.
Posted by: PHATBOY

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 12:18 PM

Meh....I've seen rougher sex at church in the back row of pews.

I recommend that you keep it to Bay Watch and stay away from all porn.

Posted by: steveb

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 01:32 PM



Fact: last I checked, this was almost a free society where consumers exercised freedom of choice in the market.


For now.
Posted by: Conky

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 01:33 PM




Fact: last I checked, this was almost a free society where consumers exercised freedom of choice in the market.


For now.

That's why I said 'last time I checked'. I can't be sure one minute to the next...
Posted by: MoronBoy

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 01:50 PM


Congrats on the big 1000 grizz, but I gotta ask why no big super-post in AWOP like Phlog or Elab did?


Fact: some girls will accept money to be abused on film.
Fact: some of the abusers may be ::whispers:: "African American".
Fact: some men (color not specified) enjoy watching said footage, but would never actually repeat such actions when with their own partner.
Fact: most porn is about fantasy.
Fact: some people don't like watching it.
Fact: last I checked, this was almost a free society where consumers exercised freedom of choice in the market.

If you don't like it, don't watch it.

This should be a disclaimer shown before a JM, Max, Extreme, or similar companies movies. Sums everything up perfectly.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 02:31 PM


Male whores contain NO stroke value - Fundamental Law of Porn No. 2

just curious, have2cit, what's fundamental law of porn no.1?
Posted by: TMonty

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 02:39 PM



Male whores contain NO stroke value - Fundamental Law of Porn No. 2

just curious, have2cit, what's fundamental law of porn no.1?

My general knowledge says it has to be: Whores lie. (One of the basic facts I've learned here at XXXPT.)
Posted by: zenman

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 10:10 PM

keen thinker = windsock
Posted by: Timmy8271

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 11:11 PM

I have a bigger problem with the cameraman talking too much during scenes them then some girl having a problem with a black man or whatever the original post is about.
Posted by: Gigi

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/22/06 11:48 PM


keen thinker = windsock

p.s. king, quinne looks beautiful in your new avatar.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 12:10 AM


p.s. king, quinne looks beautiful in your new avatar.

Thank you, dear.

Her new photo layout is a bit disappointing though.

Posted by: Dick Head

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 06:49 AM

LOOK! I caught one!
Posted by: Holly Randall

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 08:52 AM


What about unstable male porn stars that feel treating females like crap, the same they more or less do privately (ask Mr Marcus)? I understand the term whore because it fits the situation of porn, but male stars are also whores. I don't see anything of envy toward male porn stars like 'Maxx, that sexually abuses a female for profit. To me, he is a coward.

Hey I hear you, but this board is the last place to take those grievances-- you won't find many sympathetic ears.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 08:57 AM

king, i hate to tell you this, but your chica has piano-legs.



p.s. king, quinne looks beautiful in your new avatar.

Thank you, dear.

Her new photo layout is a bit disappointing though.

Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 11:03 AM


king, i hate to tell you this, but your chica has piano-legs.



p.s. king, quinne looks beautiful in your new avatar.

Thank you, dear.

Her new photo layout is a bit disappointing though.

We all have our cross to bear, my friend James.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 03:22 PM

true enough, outstanding face on the girl, she should probably hit the elliptical asap though.
Posted by: Holly Randall

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 07:45 PM

What are piano legs?
Posted by: Gunker

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 07:50 PM


What are piano legs?

From Wikipedia:

"Note 1: The apocryphal stories of skirts on piano legs in the name of modesty arose from a misunderstanding of the use of sheaths to protect the lower extremities of furniture from damage by footwear and brooms. It has also been suggested that it was used by the British Victorians at the time to lampoon their American counterparts."

Hell...that doesn't make any sense at all...
Posted by: Holly Randall

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 08:01 PM

My mom and I have "football legs" as she calls them. I used to really hate them but now I don't care so much. You'll still never catch me in a short skirt, but I've come to accept my body as it is. As I've gotten older, I think differently when I look in the mirror. I used to zero in on my flaws and obsess over them, but now I look in the mirror and think of how in 20 years, I'll be vehemently wishing for the body I have now. I've decided to appreciate that I'm not 300 lbs, as opposed to wishing I was 100 pounds. Sorry for hijacking the thread.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 08:01 PM


What are piano legs?

fat, bulky, thick may also include cankles
Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 08:58 PM


My mom and I have "football legs" as she calls them. I used to really hate them but now I don't care so much. You'll still never catch me in a short skirt, but I've come to accept my body as it is. As I've gotten older, I think differently when I look in the mirror. I used to zero in on my flaws and obsess over them, but now I look in the mirror and think of how in 20 years, I'll be vehemently wishing for the body I have now. I've decided to appreciate that I'm not 300 lbs, as opposed to wishing I was 100 pounds. Sorry for hijacking the thread.

Anytime you get me thinking about your body feel free to hijack a thread.
Posted by: Dr. Mordo

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 09:39 PM

King, you get more compliments on your avatar than anyone on any board I've been on.

That said, your new avatar is outstanding.

Posted by: Holly Randall

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 09:43 PM



p.s. king, quinne looks beautiful in your new avatar.

Thank you, dear.

Who is this girl and where can one find her?

Her new photo layout is a bit disappointing though.

Posted by: k1ng

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/23/06 09:56 PM


King, you get more compliments on your avatar than anyone on any board I've been on.

That said, your new avatar is outstanding.

Thank you, sir. Here is the full pic.

Posted by: jamesn

Re: Have a problem with a BB scene with Brooke Sco - 11/26/06 10:53 AM

now i remember why i come to this place

If you give me $50,000.00 (U.S. no coin) I will beat a baby seal to death with a dolphin.