have you cried since you had pubic hair?

Posted by: jamesn

have you cried since you had pubic hair? - 10/08/06 02:56 PM

me, when i broke my kneecap on some kid's facemask playing football.

Posted by: MoronBoy

Re: have you cried since you had pubic hair? - 10/08/06 04:34 PM

I cried this morning when I poured a bowl of Fruity Peebles, and I had no milk.
I cried after I heard the latest NOFX album.
I cried when Cactus Jack/Mankind retired from the WWF(or WWE, as the kiddies are calling it these days).
I cried when I didn't get invited to the Homecoming Dance my Jr. year of High School.
I cried when I realized I cry too much, because that is what emo kids do. They sit in dark rooms and cry, so I turned a light on to make myself seem less emo. Then I realized I was still crying, so I cried some more because I could not take the fact that I was a grown man(well, physically grown anyhow, mentally not so much so) who cries. I then realized after I stopped crying once and for all(or so I thought) that I had turned into a cruel, heartless, anti-social bastard and I started crying again. This cycle has been repeating itself for the past five years now, and I am currently in a crying stage. I feel that is about to change very soon.
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: have you cried since you had pubic hair? - 10/08/06 07:41 PM

I cried when I got pubic hair.
Posted by: Phlogiston

Re: have you cried since you had pubic hair? - 10/09/06 12:23 AM

I haven't cried since my age hit double digits. Laughing at crying men is something of a guilty pleasure with me.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: have you cried since you had pubic hair? - 10/09/06 09:38 AM

I cry everyday smartt draws breath on this earth. I cry for the children.