Be Proud Of What You Do

Posted by: DukeFloored

Be Proud Of What You Do - 07/09/06 04:20 PM

One of the keys to my success is that I've never been shy announcing exactly how I make my living. Nor have I had occasion to hold my head in shame in this respect.

As H.L. Mencken said, you can tell the quality of a man's character by how he makes his living.

If you can't with pride tell people what you do for a living, then you can only slink through life burdened by shame.

At least that's what Rabbi Daniel Lapin says in his book, Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money:

Be Proud Of And Let People Know What You Do

Make lots of new friends, try to help them, and make sure they all know how you could help them and that you are eager to do so.

...The Talmud records the names of many great scholars and eminent sages who were known by their occupations, such as Rabbi Yochanan, the shoemaker. Jews were encouraged by these Talmudic heroes with their distinctive names to proudly declare their occupations, too. Jews also take the lesson to heart from Jonah, prophet of God, who was woken by the sailors terrified of the storm that threatened their ship. In an effort to identify the menace, the frightened men inquired of Jonah: "Tell us who caused this storm? (Was it you?) What is your occupation? Where are you from?"

To this day, one of the first questions people tend to ask a new acquaintance is, "What do you do for a living?" It is a legitimate question because the inquirer really wants to know what the person does for other people. He or she is wondering how do others find you useful. How you help your fellow humans is a proud part of your identity. The only person to be embarrassed by the question is the one who has no answer. Traditionally, Jews have been quick to identify their occupations. This obviously makes it much simpler for others to make contact for business purposes, and it may be partially responsible for Jews acquiring the reputation of being forward and aggressive in business.

Posted by: Soopergrizz

Re: Be Proud Of What You Do - 07/09/06 05:46 PM

Luke, I don't read your column all that much, but how can you seriously say "One of the keys to my success is that I've never been shy announcing exactly how I make my living. Nor have I had occasion to hold my head in shame in this respect."

At best you are consumed by guilt and are deeply ambivalent about what you do. To your credit, you are (typically) honest about your feelings.

Didn't you sell your original site because of the shame you felt? Don't you harangue those close to you (eg. Holly) for feeding the beast that is pornography?

I'm confused because not only does the above quote not sound like you, in fact it sounds almost entirely NOT like you.
Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Be Proud Of What You Do - 07/09/06 08:30 PM

Luke you vie for constant validation for your shame. Only reason you would tell anyone about what you do is to receive sympathy for your pathetic state of mind or glean some half truths from a glazed eyed porn whore. Just saying what I think from what I've seen.