
Posted by: redbeard

Charity - 05/13/06 11:32 AM


Today I got in the mail a fund dive for a charity that I support and it got me thinking. Do porn performers and companies commonly give to charity or not and if so how often has the charity once discovered where the money came from has the decided that the don't want any stinkin porn money.

I know that when I lived in a more urban area that one the strip clubs that I would visit from time to time had this dancer who had MS and she would do the MS Walk and get a lot of the dancer to do the walk with her. Usually on the one day of the walk they had to close the club down cause most of the dancers didn't work that day, sometimes they would stay open and the place would be dead with just a few dancers.

I have also seen advertised from time to time strip clubs putting up a special night where most of the money that was earned that night by the either the club itself or the dancer would go to some charity cause.

I was just wondering if the porn companies or their whores also do such acts of charity and no I am not talking about charity fucks either.
Posted by: The Ghost Is Toast

Re: Charity - 05/14/06 05:35 AM

I know Wicked has done quite a few charitable donations and sponsorships, although it can be very difficult for adult oriented businesses to do so.

I can recall reading about a bunch of strippers who did a charity event to raise money for some children's ward at a hospital, but once the it was found out where the money came from, the hospital was forced to return the donation after pressure from certain 'community' groups...remember, it's better a child should suffer and die horribly than benefit from money raised by strippers.
Posted by: TunaCan

Re: Charity - 05/14/06 08:32 AM

We are setting up teams to participate in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night charity event in NYC, LA, and maybe somewhere in south Florida. I am a lymphoma (hodgkin's) survivor myself who will be celebrating 10 years in remission this summer, so this charity is something that is a big deal to me. We have already officially set up the NYC team, and the LA team will be set up and ready for people to join in the next week or two. Everyone can get involved by either joining with our team in the walk and raising money, or directly donating to my campaign, all through The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's official site. Check out the myspace group I set up for it at
Posted by: El Kabong

Re: Charity - 05/14/06 09:00 AM

I thought charity was what happens any time AC Cream gets laid.
Posted by: Willie D

Re: Charity - 05/14/06 09:03 AM


I thought charity was what happens any time AC Cream gets laid.

No it's called a miracle.
Posted by: El Kabong

Re: Charity - 05/14/06 09:40 AM



I thought charity was what happens any time AC Cream gets laid.

No it's called a miracle.

Your right, but I got to take the Vincent Vega route on this one. There are no miracles only freak occurrence. Seeing as were dealing with a major freak here that'd be one hell of a freak occurrence.
Posted by: redbeard

Re: Charity - 05/14/06 10:52 AM


I know Wicked has done quite a few charitable donations and sponsorships, although it can be very difficult for adult oriented businesses to do so.

I can recall reading about a bunch of strippers who did a charity event to raise money for some children's ward at a hospital, but once the it was found out where the money came from, the hospital was forced to return the donation after pressure from certain 'community' groups...remember, it's better a child should suffer and die horribly than benefit from money raised by strippers.

In such a case when there is a chance that monies could get refused maybe an anomyous donation is the way to go. It makes me sick when people demand that they money be returned because they don't like where it is coming from. Damn Assholes.

I think it's great what Wicked has done, I did not know that.

Posted by: redbeard

Re: Charity - 05/14/06 10:54 AM


We are setting up teams to participate in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night charity event in NYC, LA, and maybe somewhere in south Florida. I am a lymphoma (hodgkin's) survivor myself who will be celebrating 10 years in remission this summer, so this charity is something that is a big deal to me. We have already officially set up the NYC team, and the LA team will be set up and ready for people to join in the next week or two. Everyone can get involved by either joining with our team in the walk and raising money, or directly donating to my campaign, all through The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's official site. Check out the myspace group I set up for it at

It's great that you are are survier and it's also great that your are involved in this charity. Sounds like a lot of work. Kudo's to you.